
来源 :中国果树 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shenloa
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近年来,在烟台、青岛、徐州、北京等苹果产区,发生一种为害相当严重的落叶性病害,尤其元帅系品种被害更重,7、8月份新梢叶片几乎全部受害或脱落。对其病原有人认为是灰斑病菌(Phyllosticta pirina)或褐斑病菌(Mars-sonina mali),但据有关单位和我们的多次分离,都是Alternaria spp.接种试验及病原鉴定工作还在进行中。根据该病的症状及发生特点,与日本报导的斑点落叶病有很多相似之处,特摘译其主要内容以供参考,并希引起重视。 In recent years, in Yantai, Qingdao, Xuzhou, Beijing and other apple-producing areas, a serious damage caused by deciduous diseases, especially the Marshal Department of species hardest hit, in July and August, almost all the shoots of young victims or fall off. It is thought to be Phyllosticta pirina or Mars-sonina mali to its pathogen, but Alternaria spp is still under investigation for many times, and the identification of pathogens is still underway . According to the symptoms and characteristics of the disease, there are many similarities with the Japanese spotted leaf deciduous disease, especially the main content of the extract for reference, and hope that attention.
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一、病案书写质量与法律 近几年来,随着人们生活节奏的加快,公民法律意识的提高,法律民事纠纷不断增加,病案是法律鉴证的重要依据。在工作中,往往会遇到由于医生病历描述不
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三带櫟尺蠖(Larerannis filipjevi Wehrli)、薄翅櫟尺蠖(Inurois fletcheri Inoue)、白斑櫟尺蠖(Erannis dira Butler),是陕西楼观台林区栓皮櫟(Quercus variabilis Bluma)
本文介绍的禾谷类作物霜霉病是指由指疫霉[Sclerophthoramacrospora(sacc)Thirum et al]引起的水稻、小麦、大麦和玉米几种主要禾谷类作物霜霉病(又称黄化萎缩病)。这种病害