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目的 观察脑底动脉氮能神经的分布和起源。 方法 采用成年健康SD大鼠 ,分成假手术组 (A组 )、单侧 (右侧 )手术组 (B组 )和双侧手术组 (C组 ) ,B组与C组再分成膜性结构加鼻睫神经切除组 (BⅠ、CⅠ )和单纯膜性结构切除组 (BⅡ、CⅡ组 )。术后第 7d ,取动脉环和A组动物的翼腭神经节与耳神经节。应用尼克酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸磷酸 黄递酶染色 (NADPH d)法 ,观察动脉环阳性纤维分布、变化及两个神经节内的阳性细胞分布。 结果 翼腭神经节和耳神经节内均有大量的NADPH d阳性细胞分布。单侧手术后 ,同侧的大脑中动脉 (MCA)NADPH d阳性神经纤维完全消失 ,但对侧MCA无明显变化 ;基底动脉 (BA)和双侧大脑后动脉 (PCA)、颈内动脉脑底段 (ICA)、大脑前动脉 (ACA)阳性神经纤维密度明显减少但并没有消失。双侧手术后 ,除ACA尚残留小部分阳性神经纤维外 ,其余血管 (BA、PCA、ICA、ACA)的阳性纤维完全消失。BⅠ组与BⅡ组之间 ,CⅠ与CⅡ之间 ,无明显差异。 结论 脑底动脉各段均有氮能神经纤维分布并交织成网状 ;靠近头端密度较高 ,靠近尾端则密度较低。不同脑底动脉氮能神经纤维的来源不同 ,BA、PCA和ICA的氮能神经纤维完全来自双侧的翼腭神经节 ;MCA的氮能神经来源于同侧的翼腭神经节 ,ACA的氮能神经则除双侧的? Objective To observe the distribution and origin of nitrogen anergic nerve in the cerebral artery. Methods Adult healthy SD rats were divided into sham group (A), unilateral (right) surgery group (B) and bilateral surgery group (C), B group and C group Plus nasal ciliary nerve resection group (B Ⅰ, C Ⅰ) and simple membrane structure resection group (B Ⅱ, C Ⅱ group). On the 7th day after operation, the pterygopalatine ganglion and the ear ganglion of the aortic rings and animals in group A were taken. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate diaphorase staining (NADPH d) ​​was used to observe the distribution and changes of positive fibers in the arterial rings and the distribution of positive cells in the two ganglia. Results There were many NADPH d positive cells in the pterygopalatine ganglion and otic ganglion. After unilateral surgery, NADPH d-positive nerve fibers disappeared completely in the ipsilateral middle cerebral artery (MCA), but there was no significant change in the contralateral MCA. The basilar artery (BA) and bilateral posterior cerebral artery (PCA) ICA, ACA positive nerve fiber density decreased significantly but did not disappear. After bilateral surgery, the positive fibers of the remaining blood vessels (BA, PCA, ICA, ACA) disappeared completely except for the small number of positive nerve fibers remaining in the ACA. There was no significant difference between BⅠ and BⅡ, between CⅠ and CⅡ. Conclusion All segments of cerebral arteries have NGF distribution and interweaved into a network. The density near the head is higher and the density is lower near the tail. Different sources of NAC nerve fibers in different cerebral arteries, the NAC nerve fibers of BA, PCA and ICA are completely from bilateral pterygopalatine ganglion; the NAC nerve of MCA originates from the pterygopalatine ganglion on the ipsilateral side, Can nerves then bilateral?
This report describes a new model of emotional stress, which was induced by randomly giving an empty water bottle to rats during watering periods per day for 14
《最美的时光》里苏蔓说她暗恋一个人长达十年,可是那又怎样呢?你一出现,一切就此改变,十年修炼不抵你一眼万年。因为你是陆励成,你是何以琛,你是钟汉良,你是我亲爱的男一号,你是这世间独一无二的存在。  时至今日,我仍记得《逆水寒》里“不顾惜朝终身误,一顾惜朝误终身”的顾惜朝,你是冷峻的男儿,为何眉宇间总有挥之不去的忧愁?边塞之上天地一片苍茫,你持剑昂然独行,风中发丝四散飞扬。雄鹰展翅,御风而行,你裹挟