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2010年是费孝通先生诞辰一百周年。费孝通先生既是中国当代社会学的奠基者,也是中国现代社会学的开创者之一。费孝通先生毕生的思想和实践始终与中国社会学辗转曲折的命运刻刻相伴,也始终与中国社会学的创生、恢复和发展息息相关。任何一个学科都是在传统与创新的交织中发展起来的,对于今天的学人来说,费孝通先生的学术思想和学科实践无疑构成了重要的传统,我们若要继承这一传统,走出一条创新之路,则必须将费孝通先生的学术思想再次置入他所继承的传统之中,加以不断阐释和深化,方可使之作为孕育中国社会学新生的丰厚给养。事实上,费孝通先生晚年提出的“文化自觉”思想,正是期望将社会学的发展拓展到中华民族的整个文明史中,拓展到构成中国人心性的总体文化传统中。这无疑说明,只有创新传统,延续历史的生命,一个伟大的民族才能开辟出自身独特的现代化历程。 2010 is the centenary of Mr. Fei’s birthday. Mr. Fei is both the founder of contemporary Chinese sociology and one of the pioneers of modern Chinese sociology. The thought and practice of Mr. Fei’s life has always been accompanied by the twists and turns of the Chinese sociology and has always been closely linked with the creation, restoration and development of Chinese sociology. Any one discipline is developed in the intertwined tradition and innovation. For today’s scholars, Fei Xiaotong’s academic thinking and disciplinary practice undoubtedly constitute an important tradition. If we want to inherit this tradition, we should go out In order to innovate, we must put Mr. Fei’s academic ideas back into the traditions that he inherited, and continue to explain and deepen his ideas so that they can serve as a generous support for the freshmen of Chinese sociology. In fact, the “cultural conscience” philosophy proposed by his late husband, Fei Xiaotong, hopes to extend the development of sociology to the entire history of civilization of the Chinese nation and to the general cultural tradition that constitutes the Chinese people’s mind. This undoubtedly shows that only through the tradition of innovation and the continuation of the life of history can a great nation open up its own unique course of modernization.
2007年6月20日,搜配网和杭州市汽车配件用品商会达成全面合作。正式启动浙江汽配城网上汽配搜索交易平台建设,打响了建立“搜配”汽配城搜索联盟的第一枪; June 20, 2007, s
在日本赔偿问题上,美国首先是建议召开对日和会,接着单独决定停止先期拆赔,最后签订旧金山和约。至此,各同盟国不懈努力的日本赔偿问题,终于被美国腰斩! On the question of
人们对日本偷袭珍珠港的原因众说纷纭。从战后所发现的资料表明,珍珠港事件其实是一场能源战,说得更确切一些,就是日本因为美国对其实施石油禁运而采取的极端措施。 There a