
来源 :财经政法资讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guanxing1
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林光彬撰文提出目前影响西部大开发有五大制度障碍:1.法权障碍。主要表现为:立法不监督法,执法不遵守法,依法难享有法,红头文件大于法,领导讲话胜过法,计划经济下的法律法规仍处于主导地位。2.产权障碍。主要表现为:目前的资源控制制度形成产权关系不清,无法形成稳定、持续、长期的增长动力与预期;“公地的悲剧”还没有得到有效的遏制,过度放牧、过度开发、过度种植、过度利用的情况是全面的、全局性的;在国有企业改革与农村改革中,政府说变就变,有时对改革者取得的成果还要强行收回,甚至兴师问罪;在农村土地、果园等承包中,承包者的劳动成果遭人侵害,政府不能主持公道。3.行政权障碍。主要表现为:过多的行政 Lin Guangbin’s article proposes that there are currently five major institutional obstacles affecting the development of western China: 1. Legal obstacles. Mainly as follows: the legislation does not supervise the law, law enforcement does not comply with the law, according to the law is difficult to enjoy the law, the red flag is greater than the law, the leadership speech is superior to the law, the planned economy under the laws and regulations are still in the dominant position. 2. Property rights barriers. The main manifestations are: the current system of resource control has unclear property rights and can not form a steady, sustained and long-term growth driver and expectation; the “tragedy of the commons” has not been effectively contained, overgrazed, over-developed, over-developed In the reform of state-owned enterprises and rural reforms, the government said that changes have taken place. Sometimes the reforms made by the reformers have even been forcibly taken back and even promoted by teachers. In rural areas, orchards In contracting, the contractor’s labor is infringed upon and the government can not hold the fair. 3. Administrative obstacles. Mainly as follows: too much administration
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钓鱼人对诱鱼剂都知道一二,但对集鱼饵可能有些陌生。打个比方,用曲酒泡小米打窝子,酒就是诱鱼剂,小米则是能留得住鱼的集鱼饵。 丸九“”虾粉,就是由货真价实的海米肉精制