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刘正谦,又名小山,1929年10月生于北京,回族,祖籍山东青州。自幼受家庭熏陶喜习书法,初取法何绍基,稍长潜心钻研历代诸家碑帖,注重师古而不泥古,创新而不失法度。擅行草,运笔凝炼,变幻多姿,烁烁有神。作品多次参加国内外重大书法展览并发表于专业报刊,有的被一些博物馆、纪念馆珍藏,收入《中国古今书法选》等。曾获中国书协成立20周年书法荣誉奖。现为中国书协德艺双馨会员,中国书协一、二、三届理事,宁夏书协名誉主席,宁夏书画院名誉院长。 Liu Zhengqian, also known as Hill, was born in October 1929 in Beijing, Hui, native of Qingzhou, Shandong Province. Since childhood, influenced by the family nurtured calligraphy, the initial approach He Shaoji, a little longer devote themselves to studying all generations of rubbings, pay attention to the ancient division of ancient and not mud, innovation without losing the law. Good at grass, brush pen condensate, changing colors, Shuo Shuo God. His works have participated in many major calligraphy exhibitions at home and abroad and published in professional newspapers and periodicals. Some of them have been collected by some museums and memorials, and have been earmarked as “Ancient and Modern Calligraphy Selection in China”. Won the 20th anniversary of Chinese Calligraphy Association calligraphy honorary award. Now a member of the China Shuxian Deyi Shuangxin, China Shuxieyi one, two or three members, honorary chairman of Ningxia Book Association, honorary president of Ningxia calligraphy and painting.
这是来自美国杜克大学医学中心泌尿外科的一项临床研究(HAYDEN JP ,BOYSEN WR ,PETER-SON AC .Medical management of penile and ure-thral lichen sclerosus with topical
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可供家庭投资和保持资产的方式很多,如保存现金,储蓄,购买债券、股票、基金券、外汇、金银首饰,以及提高智力和技能等。 如何选择上述各种投资方式才能达此目的,一般应考虑
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本文对西安地区爱婴医院出生的117例婴儿,出院后未坚持母乳喂养的原因进行了调查分析.指出应向全社会广泛宣传母乳喂养的新观点及促使母乳喂养成功的十点措施. This paper i