天降神兵 波士顿凯尔特人队

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凯人特人的队史上就总能收获这样的意外惊喜,以下曾在波士顿效力的五个“普通球员”就曾在总决赛上化身为天降奇兵的英雄人物。虽然只有超级巨星才能带领球队问鼎总冠军,但板凳球员往往也会挺身而出,成为球队获胜的关键人物。格雷格·凯特1987年总决赛第三场凯特是一个进攻能力及其乏善可陈的球员,他能在NBA联盟呆上12年,效力过七支球队,算是很了不起了。更让人惊讶的是,他可以在一场总决赛里3投0中,还能成为全场最佳。听上 In the history of the Cynic special team, it was always possible to surprise such a surprise. The following five “ordinary players” who played in Boston had once transformed themselves into heroic figures in the Finals. Although only the superstar can lead the team to win the championship, but the bench players often come forward and become the team’s key players to win. Greg Kate 1987 Finals The third Kate is a offensive ability and its lackluster player, he spent 12 years in the NBA league, played for seven teams, is great. Even more surprising is that he can hit 0 in a Finals 0, but also become the best audience. Listen
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