A review of recent advances in tribology

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The reach of tribology has expanded in diverse fields and tribology related research activities have seen immense growth during the last decade. This review takes stock of the recent advances in research pertaining to different aspects of tribology within the last 2 to 3 years. Different aspects of tribology that have been reviewed including lubrication, wear and surface engineering, biotribology, high temperature tribology, and computational tribology. This review attempts to highlight recent research and also presents future outlook pertaining to these aspects. It may however be noted that there are limitations of this review. One of the most important of these is that tribology being a highly multidisciplinary field, the research results are widely spread across various disciplines and there can be omissions because of this. Secondly, the topics dealt with in the field of tribology include only some of the salient topics (such as lubrication, wear, surface engineering, biotribology, high temperature tribology, and computational tribology) but there are many more aspects of tribology that have not been covered in this review. Despite these limitations it is hoped that such a review will bring the most recent salient research in focus and will be beneficial for the growing community of tribology researchers.
紫琅轩主办的“艺汇言传—马轲艺术沙龙”于8月23日至8月24日圆满举行,许多喜爱马轲艺术创作的朋友欢聚一堂,现场热闹非凡、高潮迭起。在欣赏马轲艺术作品的同时,还能有众多艺术爱好者一起探讨学习,不失为一次不错的艺术体验。  在8月23日的“马轲艺术沙龙”中,紫琅轩邀请了艺术家孙秀庭、评论家艾蕾尔作为主讲嘉宾。孙秀庭、艾蕾尔两位同为马轲的朋友,以平常与马轲的交往中对他创作的理解,并结合各自对马轲作品的
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