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抚顺石化公司洗化厂是世界级表面活性剂原料生产基地,主要产品烷基苯单地产量世界第一,烷基苯市场国内占有率50%。近年来,随着企业生产经营发展和改革的不断深化,企业员工队伍的思想日趋活跃和复杂,思维方式和价值取向发生了很大变化。如何面对不断出现的新情况、新问题使企业思想政治工作与时俱进,是摆在企业当前亟需探索和解决的重要课题。为此,洗化厂在全厂范围内创建并实施了全员谈心谈话活动机制,作为企业思想政治工作的创新做法,为实现企业又好又快发展提供了精神动力和思想保证。 Fushun Petrochemical Company washing plant is a world-class surfactant raw material production base, the main product of the world’s first single output of alkyl benzene, alkyl benzene market share of 50%. In recent years, with the deepening of the development and reform of production and operation of enterprises, the thinking of the employees in the enterprise has become increasingly active and complicated, and the ways of thinking and value orientation have undergone great changes. How to deal with emerging new situations and new problems to keep the ideological and political work of the enterprise advancing with the times is an important issue that enterprises are now in urgent need of exploration and resolution. To this end, washing plant in the whole plant to create and implement a full talk mechanism of dialogue activities, as an ideological and political work of innovative practices, to achieve sound and rapid development of enterprises to provide a spiritual motivation and ideological assurance.
自Tenscher和Berger报告使用人胰岛素治疗中不自觉低血糖(即无意识低血糖)发生率增多以后,这个问题逐渐引起学者们的关注。我们于1990年5月开始用丹麦Novo Nordisk公司提供的
作者对应用单光子骨矿分析仪测定的272例绝经前后妇女的桡骨骨矿物质含量(BMC)作了分析,并探讨BMC与绝经及与体重的关系。 一、对象:健康妇女272例,年龄40~55岁,均无长期用药
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肺炎支原体(Mycoplasma Pneumoniae MP)是儿童社区获得性肺炎的主要病原之一。MP约占小儿肺炎病原的10~30%以上。文献报道MP感染率9.6%~66.7%不等。MP引起的呼吸系统病变,临
1 病例报告 患者,女,31岁,于1997年3月29日收住传染科。于1997年3月26日妊娠34周静滴催产素后分娩2健康女婴。产前血压24/14kPa,双下肢水肿。3天后入院时精神萎靡,表情淡漠,