
来源 :中国民族 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:andychinajj
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我国少数民族地区,工业基础薄弱,商品经济不发达,生产力水平低下,目前或相当长的时期内仍处于社会主义初级阶段的低层次;交通闭塞,信息不灵,科学技术落后,丰富的自然资源得不到很好的开发利用,改革意识不强,商品经济观念淡薄,无论是生产领域,或者是文化教育等等,大都落后干内地。因而,其经济发展长期依赖国家补贴,靠信贷资金维持。长期以来,银行工作对少数民族地区经济 In the minority areas of our country, the industrial foundation is weak, the commodity economy is underdeveloped, and the productivity is low. At present or for quite a long period of time, it is still at a low level of the primary stage of socialism. Traffic congestion, information failure, backward science and technology and abundant natural resources They are not well developed and utilized, their awareness of reform is not strong, and the concept of commodity economy is light. Whether in the field of production or cultural education, most are lagging behind in the hinterland. Therefore, its economic development has long relied on state subsidies and maintained by credit funds. For a long time, the bank worked on the economy in ethnic minority areas
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