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国内APEC第11次领导人非正式会议发表《领导人宣言》10月21日亚太经合组织第十一次领导人非正式会议在此间闭幕,会议发表的《领导人宣言》主要内容如下:在曼谷举行第11次APEC领导人非正式会议,融汇各自优势,迎接本地区挑战。我们认识到,坚强的伙伴关系对实现茂物目标至关重要。这与今年会议主题“在充满多样性的世界,为未来建立伙伴关系”相吻合。在瞬息万变的国际形势下,我们决定加强伙伴关系,推动贸易投资自由化与便利化,保障民众和社会免受安全威胁,并能从自由开放贸易中充分受益。前9月我国外贸进出口逼近去年全年水平据海关最新统计,今年1至9月,我国外贸进出口总额达6062.6亿美元,增长36.2%,逼近去年全年进出口总额6208亿美元的水平。其中出口3077亿美元,增长32.3%,进口2985.6亿美元,增长40.5%。 The 11th APEC Leaders ’Informal Meeting Launches the Declaration of Leaders On October 21, the 11th APEC Informal Leadership Meeting closed here. The main contents of the “Leaders’ Declaration” were as follows: Held in Bangkok The 11th APEC Leaders Informal Meeting has brought its own advantages to meet the challenges of the region. We recognize that a strong partnership is crucial to achieving Bogor’s goal. This is in line with the theme of this year’s conference, “Building a Diversity in a World, Building Partnerships for the Future.” In a rapidly changing international situation, we have decided to step up our partnership, promote the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment, protect the public and the community from security threats, and fully benefit from free and open trade. According to the latest statistics released by the Customs, from January to September this year, China’s foreign trade volume reached 600.66 billion U.S. dollars, up 36.2 percent, approaching the level of 620.8 billion U.S. dollars worth total imports and exports last year. Among them, exports reached 307.7 billion U.S. dollars, up 32.3 percent, and imports reached 298.56 billion U.S. dollars, up 40.5 percent.
Objective: To explore the impact of V5-epitope tag inserted in the commercial pcDNA5/FRT/V5-His TOPO expression vector on the metabolic activation of AFB1 by hu
■机遇总是为有准备的人到来;■假如有这样一个机会,让你成为仁者;■还是同样的机会,让你成为智者——你会犹豫吗? ■ opportunities always come for those who are prepar
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