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1 INTRODUCTION As is now well documented,the last two decades have seen adramatic growth in the Asia Pacific region.The success of Japanhas been followed by the much smaller but exceptional perfor-mance of Singapore,Hong Kong,South Korea and Taiwan.Al-though starting later,other countries such as Malaysia,Thailandand Indonesia are demonstrating growth rates,which will lead tosimilar results in the future.Perhaps most important of all is theVast potential in China,parts of which are already demonstratingthe same pattern of growth. Almost all economists agreed that Asia would continue to seethe strongest economic growth of any region in the world in thiscentury. Even taking into account the impact of the Asian financial 1 INTRODUCTION As is now well documented, the last two decades have seen adramatic growth in the Asia Pacific region. The success of Japan has been followed by the smaller but exceptional perfor-mance of Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan. Al- though starting later, other countries such as Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia are demonstrating growth rates, which will lead tosimilar results in the future. Perhaps most important of all is theVast potential in China, parts of which are already demonstrating the same pattern of growth. Almost all economists agreed that Asia would continue to seethe strongest economic growth of any region in the world in thiscentury. Even taking into account the impact of the Asian financial
本文主要介绍了丹东港大东港区高桩码头桩芯桩帽施工工艺及施工方法。 This article mainly introduces the construction technology and construction method of pile cor
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