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利用湖北神农架巴山冷杉树轮宽度标准年表,研究其径向生长对气候要素(月平均气温和月降水量)和生长期其他参数(活动积温、持续天数、初日和终日)的响应.结果表明:神农架地区巴山冷杉径向生长与当年2、4和9月平均气温呈显著正相关,与上年和当年9月降水量呈显著负相关,与上年12月降水量呈显著负相关.巴山冷杉径向生长与生长期活动积温和持续天数呈正相关,且与以9.0℃为阈值定义的活动积温和持续天数的相关最高.其生长期从5月下旬开始,到9月中旬结束,大约120 d.树轮宽度标准年表与以9.0和9.3℃定义的生长期初日和终日序列相关最高,相关系数分别为-0.25(接近0.05显著性水平)和0.33(P<0.05),所以9.0℃是其进行光合作用的敏感温度.生长期开始得早或结束得晚,即生长期延长,均有利于巴山冷杉的生长.与我国气候突变年(1978年)前相比,1978年以后神农架地区气温开始上升,生长期活动积温和持续天数开始增加,生长期初日提前,终日延迟,使得生长期延长,进而促进了巴山冷杉的径向生长. The response of radial growth to climatic elements (monthly mean temperature and monthly precipitation) and other parameters in the growth period (active accumulated temperature, duration of days, first and last day) was studied by using the standard annual chronological table of Bashang fir trees in Shennongjia, Hubei Province. The radial growth of Abies fargesii in Shennongjia was significantly and positively correlated with the mean temperature in 2,4 and 9 months of the year, but negatively correlated with the precipitation in September and September of that year, and negatively correlated with the precipitation in December of last year. There was a positive correlation between the radial growth and the accumulated temperature and the number of days of growth during the growth period and the highest correlation between the activity accumulated temperature and the duration of days defined by the threshold of 9.0 ℃ .The growth period began from the late May to the middle of September and was about 120 d. The tree-ring width standard chronology correlates most closely with the first and last days of the growing season defined at 9.0 and 9.3 ° C with correlation coefficients of -0.25 (close to 0.05 significance level) and 0.33 (P <0.05), respectively, so 9.0 ° C is Its sensitive temperature of photosynthesis.The beginning of the growing season early or late late, that is, the growth period, are conducive to the growth of Bashan fir .Compared with the year before the abrupt climate change in China (1978), after 1978, Shennongjia gas Began to rise, growing and active accumulated over several days began to increase, growing ahead of the opening day, all day long delayed so that the longer growing season, thus contributing to the radial growth of Abies.
日本在高碳钢丝高强度化方面已取得很大的进展 ,现已开发了 2 .0GPa级Si-Cr钢丝 ,使 1.8GPa级桥梁用钢丝的w (Si)含量从原来 0 .2 %提高到 0 .9%。同时 ,还开发了 2 .3GPa级强度的PC钢丝。上述
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