
来源 :科学中国人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zbrichard
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不管在什么时候,不管在哪个国家,搞建设总离不开建筑工人。中国的城市繁荣很大程度上是他们背井离乡、风餐露宿完成的。目前我国有3800多万的建筑工人,是世界上最大的行业劳动群体。其中绝大部分是非技术工人,其中多数来自农村的劳动力。近年来,我国建筑施工伤亡事故类型仍与“五大伤害”为主,主要是高处坠落、坍塌、物体打击、触电、起重伤害等,总计约占全部事故死亡人数90%左右[1]。施工事故的原因是综合性,其中建筑工人安全意识淡薄和不具备现场急救知识,不能及时的对伤员进行科学有效的急救是很重要的组成部分。如何判定伤者受伤部位、受伤程度及对伤者进行积极有效的现场急救,就要通过系统性较强的短期急救培训来实现。提高建筑工人安全防范意识和使他们熟悉现场急救知识、掌握常见急救的正确操作步骤,能减少伤亡率的同时降低伤亡所带来的医疗经济负担。 No matter what time, regardless of the country, construction and construction can not do without construction workers. The prosperity of China’s cities is largely because they were displaced from their homes and settled out of their houses. At present, there are more than 38 million construction workers in our country and the largest industrial labor force in the world. The vast majority are unskilled workers, most of whom come from rural labor. In recent years, the types of casualties in construction in our country are still mainly related to “five injuries ”, mainly falling, collapsing, object striking, electric shock and lifting injuries, etc., accounting for about 90% of the total number of fatal accidents [1 ]. The causes of construction accidents are comprehensiveness, among them construction workers lack of awareness of safety and do not have on-site first aid knowledge, and can not timely and scientifically effective first aid to the wounded is an important part. How to determine the injured area, the degree of injury and the injured active and effective on-site first aid, it is necessary to systematically strong short-term first aid training to achieve. Raising construction workers awareness of safety precautions and acquainting them with first-aid knowledge on the ground and grasping the correct operation steps for common emergency services can reduce the casualty rate and at the same time reduce the medical and economic burden caused by casualties.
文章分析了乌鲁木齐流域水资源现状、开发利用情况及存在的问题,进而,提出了实现流域水资源优化配置的措施。 This paper analyzes the current situation, development and
今年清明节,广东汕头市潮阳区一小孩扫墓后到水库洗手,不慎落水,其家人、亲戚接连下水救援,结果 7人溺亡。这出悲剧折射出民众自救知识和技能的匮乏。面对溺水,以下常识我们
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