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儒学是中国传统的主流文化,儒学价值观在东方国家中有着长远而深刻的影响。在中国几千年历史发展长河中,儒学也曾几度经历本土多元文化和外来文化的挑战与冲击(如先秦时期的诸子百家,如汉代以后的佛教、道教),甚至也曾遭受到毁灭性的打击(如“五四”运动,如文革时期),但儒学,由于其强大的自我修复能力和独特的容纳吸收能力,其思想精髓和价值观通过新的整合仍不断影响着中国的政治文化和民间生活。然而,近代以后的情势毕竟不同以往,儒学的生存环境发生了根本的变化。中国,不再是唯我独尊的中央之国,也不再是小农经济的生产 Confucianism is the traditional Chinese mainstream culture, Confucianism has long-term and profound influence on the oriental countries. In the long history of thousands of years of development in China, Confucianism has also experienced the challenges and shocks of local multiculturalism and foreign cultures (such as the various pre-Qin dynasties such as Buddhism and Taoism after the Han Dynasty) and even suffered Destructive blows (such as the May Fourth Movement such as the Cultural Revolution period), Confucianism, through its strong self-healing power and its unique capacity to absorb and absorb, continues to influence China through the new integration of its essence and values Political culture and folk life. After all, however, the situation in modern times is fundamentally different from that in the past. China is no longer the only country that enjoys the most respect for itself and no longer is the production of a small-scale peasant economy
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2010年7月中旬,我们学校全体师生去巴塘草原野炊玩耍了几天。  早晨,我们披着晨光向巴塘草原出发了,到达目的地时上午10点多,搭完十几顶帐篷太阳快要落山了。  夜幕快要降临了,太阳披着一身汗水躲进了西山背,月亮以崭新的姿态显露在晚霞的朦胧中,星星们跳跃着优美的舞姿闪闪发光,漂游了一天的白云也似乎要休息一会了。这时候,远处成群的牛羊也意识到天快黑了该要回家了,有那么几头膘肥体壮的公牛或几只公羊隆起
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