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重庆李渡长江大桥斜拉桥是一座采用镀锌平行钢丝体系斜拉索、双塔双索面、纵向弹性半漂浮体系的预应力混凝土边主梁斜拉桥。主要对该桥施工监控计算的计算方法、模型离散、斜拉索张拉索力的确定和挂篮立模标高的确定进行了论述。 Chongqing Li Duo Yangtze River Bridge Cable-stayed Bridge is a prestressed concrete side girder cable-stayed bridge with galvanized parallel steel wire system of stay cables, double-tower double cable plane and longitudinal elastic semi-floating system. The calculation methods of the bridge construction monitoring and calculation, the discrete model, the determination of the tension cable tension of the stay cable and the determination of the elevation of the hanging basket are mainly discussed.
The Chinese Camp mining district in the western Sierra Nevada of California,USA,contains a serpentinized,ultramafic dunite intrusion with podiform chromite depo
The whispering-gallery-mode (WGM) photonic crystal microcavity can be potentially used for miniaturized photonic devices, such as thresholdless lasers. In this
In order to efficiently explore and use woody biomass,six lignin fractions were isolated from dewaxed Caragana sinica via successive extraction with organic sol
“改革”又上路了。  先是3月18日,国务院批转发改委《关于2012年深化经济体制改革重点工作意见》。这份《意见》列了一个很长的改革清单,包括推进行政体制改革,深化户籍管理制度改革等。  接着,3月19日,第13次全国民政会议在北京举行。这次会议指出,政府的社会管理和公共服务体制改革相对滞后,因此,在改革方向上,要“構建政府管理与社会自治相结合、政府主导与社会参与相结合的社会管理和公共服务体制”。
This article is intended to provide an overview of recent progress in the studies of cholesterol-based low-molecular mass gelators (LMMGs) with unusual properti
山楂属蔷薇科山楂属落叶乔木,原产我国。它管理粗放、结果早、寿命长、耐储运、对自然条件要求不严,有较强的适应性,是人们欢迎的绿化树种之一。 楂果有食用、药用两种用途。