Effects of Temperature and Atmosphere on Sintering Process of Iron Ores

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qirongsong
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The relationship of time to minerals composition in sinters is investigated by mineragraphy are claritied observation and component analysis, and the effects of temperature and atmosphere on mineralization process. Results are obtained as follows. The initial melt forms below the eutectic temperature of CaO·Fe2O3 and CaO·2Fe2O3, which is complex substance containing Ca, Fe, Si and Al, rather than the binary calcium ferrite melt. Minerals composition of binding phase is related to local content of silica in melt, which is influenced by temperature. Appearance of the melt promotes the transition from hematite to magnetite, which then alters the mechanism of calcium ferrite formation. Before the formation of magnetite, the contents of Fe and Ca within the multiple calcium ferrite decrease with temperature, but in the case of magnetite presence, the content of Fe increases solely with increase of temperature and decrease of oxygen potential. Temperature and atmosphere determine minerals composition together, and bring influence on sintering process in different ways. It can be deduced that temperature affects kinetics of the mineralization process, but atmosphere just plays a role in thermodynamics. The relationship of time to minerals composition in sinters is investigated by mineragraphy are claritied observation and component analysis, and the effects of temperature and atmosphere on mineralization process. Results are as follows as follows. The initial melt forms below the eutectic temperature of CaO Fe2O3 and CaO · 2Fe2O3, which is a complex substance containing Ca, Fe, Si and Al, rather than the binary calcium ferrite melt. Which is influenced by temperature. Appearance of the melt promotes the transition from hematite to magnetite, which then alters the mechanism of calcium ferrite formation. which the altars of the mechanism of calcium ferrite formation. the formation of magnetite, the contents of Fe and Ca within the multiple calcium ferrite decrease with temperature, but in the case of magnetite presence, the content of Fe increases solely with increase of temperature and decrease of oxygen potential. Temperature and atmosphere determine minerals composition together, and bring influence on sintering process in different ways. It can be deduced that temperature yet kinetics of the mineralization process, but atmosphere just plays a role in thermodynamics.
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