认真反思 加强监督

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2001年4月5日,本刊与厦门市纪委、监察局在厦门市联合召开厦门特大走私案警示座谈会。监察部副部长、本刊总编辑干以胜主持座谈会,福建省委常委、厦门市委书记洪永世,福建省副省长、厦门市市长朱亚衍及厦门市、厦门关区有关部门负责人参加了座谈。与会同志联系厦门特大走私案发生和查处的情况,深刻总结了应吸取的教训。大家谈到,厦门特大走私案的警示是多方面的,但归根到底,就是警示我们必须始终坚持“两手抓,两手都要硬”的方针。有的同志谈到,在八十年代初建立经济特区时,邓小平同志就明确指出:“要两手抓,一手要抓改革开放,一手要抓严厉打击经济犯罪,包括抓思想政治工作。”现在回过头来看,正是由于厦门经济特区在一段时间里一手比较硬、一手比较软,才一度走私猖獗,以致影响了两个文明建设。这个教训必须认真吸取。下面摘发座谈会上的发言,供读者学习研究参考。 April 5, 2001, the publication and Xiamen City Commission for Discipline Inspection, Supervision Bureau jointly held in Xiamen City, a large smuggling case warning Symposium. Vice Minister of Supervision, Chief Editor of the Journal Gan Sheng to preside over the forum, Fujian Provincial Party Standing Committee, Xiamen Municipal Party Secretary Hong Yongshi, vice governor of Fujian Province, Xiamen City Mayor Zhu Ya-Yan and Xiamen City, Xiamen Customs District authorities in charge The discussion. The participating commanders contacted the occurrence and investigation of the smuggling case in Xiamen and profoundly summed up the lessons to be learned. Everyone mentioned that there are many warnings about the smuggling case in Xiamen. However, in the final analysis, this is a warning that we must always adhere to the principle of “using both hands and both hands hard”. Some comrades mentioned that when establishing the special economic zone in the early 1980s, Comrade Deng Xiaoping clearly pointed out: “We must grasp both our own hand and the reform and opening up one hand and crack down on economic crimes, including our ideological and political work.” Excessively, it was precisely because Xiamen’s special economic zone was hard-handed and soft-handed for a period of time. Once smuggling was rampant, it affected the two civilizations. This lesson must be carefully learned. The following excerpts from the forum speech for readers to study and reference.
摘 要: 作文教学的实用性与创新性问题是值得分析与探讨的话题,不仅仅关系到高中阶段学生的成绩考核,还关系到学生综合能力的提高。本文主要分析语文  随着新形势教学的改革,传统教学理念已经不能适应现今教育的需求。转变教学理念,加强对学生素质能力的培养是高中语文作文教学的首要目标。因此,教师应当加强对学生基础水平的了解,对学生的写作能力适当评估,从而采取恰当的策略找寻高中语文作文教学的切入点,促进高中语
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