Organic materials with hydrostatic pressure induced mechanochromic properties

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ioryfei913
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Mechanochromic organic materials are a typical class of stimuli materials that has response to external physical stimuli such as shearing,grinding,and compressing etc.Organic compounds with mechanochromic characters in solid forms have attracted significant attention in the past decades due to their potential applications in sensors and memory devices.Diamond anvil cell is an emerging technology that can provide isotropic pressure in a tiny place.Thus a new stimuli method can be applied in investigating optical variation of mechanochromic materials.In this review,we focus on mechanoluminescence systems that are responsive to isotropic compression under high pressure and summarize the recent advances on organic materials studied by the diamond anvil cell. Mechanochromic organic materials are a typical class of stimuli materials that has response to external physical stimuli such as shearing, grinding, and compressing etc. Organic compounds with mechanochromic characters in solid forms have significant attention in the past decades to their potential applications in sensors and memory devices. Diamond anvil cell is an emerging technology that can provide isotropic pressure in a tiny place. Thus a new stimuli method can be applied in investigating optical variation of mechanochromic materials. this review, we focus on mechanoluminescence systems that are responsive to isotropic compression under high pressure and summarize the recent advances on organic materials studied by the diamond anvil cell.
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