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地下厂房洞室群施工是一项影响因素众多、关系复杂的系统工程,传统的施工组织与管理手段已经不能满足大型地下洞室群施工组织与管理的需要,最终会影响工程建设目标的实现。如果能够结合现代施工组织理论及计算机技术对工程的施工方案进行优化,提高施工管理水平与效率,所产生的经济效益和社会效益是相当可观的。对某水电站工程地下厂房洞室群施工进行系统地分析,以地下厂房洞室群施工为模拟对象,集网络计划技术、循环仿真随机网络技术、系统仿真技术于一体,利用工序模型和活动模型2个层次建模技术,对该工程地下厂房洞室群施工过程进行仿真,为该工程优化施工机械设备,合理安排施工进度,提高施工管理工作效率提供参考。 The construction of underground powerhouse caverns is a systematic project with many influencing factors and complex relations. The traditional construction organization and management methods can not meet the needs of construction and management of large underground caverns and will ultimately affect the realization of engineering construction goals. If we can combine the theory of modern construction organization and computer technology to optimize the construction plan of the project and improve the construction management level and efficiency, the economic and social benefits will be considerable. This paper systematically analyzes the construction of caverns in underground powerhouse of a hydropower station project, and takes the construction of underground powerhouse caverns as simulation object. It integrates the network planning technology, the random simulation network technology and the system simulation technology, and uses the process model and activity model 2 Level modeling technology to simulate the construction process of the caverns in the underground powerhouse of the project and provide reference for optimizing the construction machinery and equipment, rationally arranging the construction progress and improving the construction management efficiency of the project.
大桉(Eucalyptus delegatensis R.T Bak.,斑皮桉(E.maculata Hook),和布罗韦桉(E.brockwayi C.A.Gardn)的幼苗在一种具生根介质的土壤中生长十个星期,以五种不同营养液分别处
(一) 去年上半年,著名京剧演员关肃霜,带着内容、风格不同的剧目,成功地访问了法国、意大利、奥地利、瑞士和列支敦士登等西欧五国、十一个城市、计三个多月,共演出六十八场
随着经济体制的改革深化,各种形式 的承包经营责任制已在全国各地普遍实 施,有不少企业开始取得了明显的经济效 益。实践证明,在市场机制还未健全的条 件下,承包经营是把企业
这里要描述的是狭叶瓜多竹(Guadua angustifolia异名:Bambusagnadua)的一个新栽培变种。它产生于哥伦比亚,由T.Grieb先生带回欧洲。T.Grieb是竹子爱好者,也是竹类界知名人士
同志们: 首先,我代表交通部科学技术情报研究所热烈祝贺华东地区公路科技情报网建立十周年!祝贺这次四新成果交流会的召开!并向参加会议的公路界的老前辈、老 Comrades: Fi