
来源 :四川党的建设(农村版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhengi520
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心中装着群众的干部,才会在工作生活中处处体现对群众的关爱,才能时刻惦记着群众的安危冷暖,才能赢得群众发自肺腑的爱戴。汤群芳、张玉生两个普普通通的基层干部,用其多年一贯的行动履行肩负的职责,默默无闻奉献,在实践“三个代表”重要思想的过程中使人生得到升华,其事迹催人泪下,其精神让人振奋,其境界令人佩服 “汤群芳同志的事迹十分感人。请在司法行政系统总结宣传她的先进事迹,并希关心她的身体健康。”2006年9月29日,中共中央政治局常委、中央政法委书记罗干在新华社的一份村料上看到《四川一乡镇司法所长病危,群众自发为她捐款》一文后,当即批示给司法部部长吴爱英。随后,中共中央政治局委员、中央书记处书记、国务委员、公安部部长周永康,司法部部长吴爱英,四川省委副书记李崇禧也相继作出了宣传汤群芳先进事迹的批示,国家司法部、四川省司法厅还派人专程看望、慰问了武胜县飞龙司法所所长汤群芳。四川省司法厅决定给予汤群芳记一等功。一个普通的基层司法所所长,何以如此令人关注? Only when the masses of cadres are filled with cadres in their work and livelihood can they embody their love for the masses in their work and life so that they can always cherish the safety and well-being of the masses and win the love of the masses. Tang Qunfang and Zhang Yusheng, two ordinary grassroots cadres, used their many years of consistent actions to discharge their responsibilities, made unspoken contributions and used their lives to elevate their achievements in the practice of the important thinking of the ’Three Represents.’ , Its spirit is exhilarating and its realm admirable. “Comrade Tang Qunfang’s deeds are very touching. Please summarize her advanced deeds in the judicial administrative system and hope she is concerned about her health.” September 29, 2006 Luo Gan, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the Central Political and Legal Committee, immediately gave instructions to Minister of Justice Wu Aiying after seeing a piece of village material in Xinhua News Agency saying that “a judicial director of a township in Sichuan is in critical condition and the masses voluntarily contribute to her.” Subsequently, members of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, secretary of the CPC Central Committee, state councilor, Minister of Public Security Zhou Yongkang, Minister of Justice Wu Aiying, deputy secretary of Sichuan Provincial Party Committee Li Chongxi also made instructions to promote Tang Qunfang advanced deeds, the National Ministry of Justice, Sichuan Province Justice Department also sent a special trip to see, condolences Wusheng County Dragon Institute of justice Tang Qunfang. Sichuan Provincial Justice Department decided to give Tang Qunfang a first-class service. Why is it that such an ordinary director of justice at the grassroots level is so concerned?
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