
来源 :中国农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wufala
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今年北京市近郊和河北省各地闹着棉苗出不了土,群众把土挖起来检查,都发觉到种籽已被蛆吃个空,只剩了个空壳子,在爱国主义的丰产运动中,大家都为这事发愁,在河北省晋县的周家庄,一村就被害两百亩,有些连种三次方能保住不缺苗,所以群众说:有钱买籽,但是没法买苗。棉花一耽误就会影响产量很大的。作者为了明瞭实际情况,对这种「蛆」的 This year, outskirts of Beijing and Hebei Province, abercrombie and fitch, the troubled cotton seedlings can not get out of the soil, the masses dug up to check the soil, have found the seeds have been maggot to eat empty, leaving only an empty shell, in the patriotic high yield campaign Everyone worries about this. In Zhoujiazhuang and Jincun in Jin County, Hebei Province, two hundred mu of muffins were murdered. Some of them were able to keep three seeds in no time. Therefore, the masses said: Having the money to buy the seeds but not buying the seeds. A delayed cotton production will affect a lot. In order to understand the actual situation, the author of this “maggot”
一九四五年以前,滦南沿海地带常年闹蝗虫。农民们曾想出多种多样的捕蝗办法,主要是捕蝗蝻。所以那时虽然年年闹蝗灾,可是田苗并未曾受到大害。入春以后,正 Before 1945, th
1965年我们选用南开大学元素有机化学研究所试制的50%的可湿性“除草剂一号”粉剂,进行苗圃杂草的防治试验。苗圃的土质为沙质壤土,土层深厚,肥力中等,土壤湿滑,pH 值为7.0
在引起红松立木腐朽的真菌中,最主要的是根腐菌 Fomitopsis aonosa(Fr)Karst。同时,有关红松感病特点和立木腐朽特性的现有资料是极端有限的,因此,早有必要来研究上述问题,
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