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母乳是出生后4~6个月内婴幼儿的最佳食品。然而,有些母亲很难满足婴幼儿对母乳的需要或由于疾病等原因不能用母乳喂养婴儿。长期以牛乳喂养婴幼儿,容易发生免疫力低下和维生素、微量元素缺乏等营养不良症状,表现为婴幼儿虚胖、体质虚弱、智力发育不全、贫血、经常患感冒、发烧或皮肤感染等病症。母乳和牛乳有什么区别呢? 1.蛋白质含量和成分不同:人乳含蛋白质大部分是乳清蛋白,在婴儿胃内形成的乳凝块较小,易被消化吸收。牛奶含蛋白质是人乳的3.2倍,以酪蛋白为主,形成的凝块大、不易被消化吸收,容易引起婴儿消化不良,腹泻或大便干燥,也使肾脏负担加重。 2.脂肪含量不同:母乳中所含的脂肪以不饱和脂肪酸为主,脂肪球小,易吸收利用,其中DHA(二十二碳六烯酸)有益于婴幼儿的智力发育。牛奶中人体必需不饱和脂肪酸含量仅为母乳的1/3,牛乳中几乎不含DHA,并且脂肪颗粒较大,不易被婴儿消化吸收。 3.母乳中含有丰富的牛磺酸,含量约是牛乳的30倍。因此,长期用牛乳喂养婴幼儿,牛磺酸摄入量低,不利于视网膜的发育、容易发生免疫力低下和智力障碍等。 4.母乳中含有婴儿必需的多种矿物质,这些矿物质在牛乳中相对比较少,母乳中钙、磷搭配比例合适,易被吸收。牛乳中钙、磷的含量虽比人乳高,但比例不适,使婴幼儿难以吸收。 5.母乳中各种维生素的含量一般都比牛乳高,同时母乳中含有足够的水分,故吃母乳的婴幼儿不必再喂水。 6.人乳中含有多种免疫活性成分,如,IgG、SIgA、IgM等多种免疫球蛋白、能增加婴儿的抵抗力、可起到预防疾病的作用,牛乳中则缺乏这样成分。因此,以牛乳喂养婴幼儿时,应注意补充含有DHA、牛磺酸、免疫物质、多种微量营养素的婴幼儿营养素,并及时添加婴幼儿营养辅助食品。采用人工喂养方式时,建议最好用婴儿配方奶粉喂养婴儿,因为营养成分接近母乳、虽然缺乏母乳中含有的免疫活性物质和酶类,但比鲜奶或全脂奶粉等更易消化吸收,营养较平衡和全面。 Breast milk is the best food for infants and young children within 4 to 6 months after birth. However, it is difficult for some mothers to meet the needs of infants and toddlers for breast milk or breastfeeding infants for diseases or other reasons. Long-term breast-feeding of infants and young children, prone to low immunity and vitamins, trace elements such as malnutrition deficiency symptoms, manifested as infantile infatuation, physical weakness, mental retardation, anemia, often suffering from a cold, fever or skin infections and other illnesses. What is the difference between breast milk and milk? 1. Protein content and composition is different: most of human milk protein is whey protein, formed in the baby’s stomach milk smaller, easily digested and absorbed. Milk protein is 3.2 times human milk to casein-based, the formation of large clot, not easily digested and absorbed, easily lead to indigestion in infants, diarrhea or stool dry, but also to increase the burden on the kidneys. 2 different fat content: breast milk contained in the main unsaturated fatty acids, fat ball is small, easy to absorb and use, of which DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is beneficial to infants and young children’s intellectual development. Milk essential fatty acids content of human body is only 1/3 of breast milk, milk contains almost no DHA, and larger fat particles, not easily digested by infants. Breast milk is rich in taurine, milk content is about 30 times. Therefore, long-term breast-fed infants and young children, taurine intake is low, is not conducive to retinal development, prone to immune deficiency and mental retardation. Breast milk contains a variety of minerals necessary for infants, these minerals in milk is relatively small, breast milk calcium and phosphorus with the right proportion, easily absorbed. Milk calcium, phosphorus content, although higher than human milk, but the proportion of discomfort, so that infants and young children is difficult to absorb. 5. The content of various vitamins in breast milk is generally higher than milk, while breast milk contains enough water, so breastfeeding infants and young children do not have to feed water. 6. Human milk contains a variety of immune active ingredients, such as IgG, SIgA, IgM and other immunoglobulins, can increase the infant’s resistance, can play a preventive role in the disease, the lack of such ingredients in milk. Therefore, breastfeeding infants and young children, should pay attention to supplement with DHA, taurine, immune substances, a variety of micronutrient nutrients in infants and young children, and timely addition of infant nutrition supplements. When using artificial feeding, it is advisable to feed infants with infant formula because nutrients are close to breast milk. Although they lack immunologically active substances and enzymes contained in breast milk, they are easier to digest and absorb than fresh milk or whole milk powder Balanced and comprehensive.
朝九却非晚五,忙忙碌碌,现代都市的白领们正面临严重的健康流失现象,虽然他们经常光顾健身房、SPA, 而且每天都服用大把的维生素药片……然而,疲劳、头疼、胃口不佳这些状态
西点公墓老学员教堂的墙壁上,嵌满了盾形黑色大理石图徽,上面刻有在独立战争中抗击英军的美军将领们的姓名。其中的一个图徽上,姓名已被刮掉,只留下这几个字: 少将 1740年生
大家都知道饮食不健康可能会引发可怕的病症,但往往忽略饭后的一些小习惯,殊不知,这些不起眼的生活陋习,很有可能成为你健康的致命“杀手”……   凶手1.饭后吃水果   很多人喜欢饭后吃点水果,这是一种错误的生活习惯。食物进入胃以后,需要经过1到2小时的消化,如果饭后立即吃水果,就会被先前吃进的食物阻挡,致使水果不能正常地消化。时间长了,就会引起腹胀、腹泻或便秘等症状。   凶手2.饭后饮浓茶   饭