Titan of China's New Energy and Heavy Chemical Industries

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ORDOS, in contrast to many places in China that are either lowering or removing their foreign investments thresholds, is raising its own requirements in this regard. The city has rejected certain projects ¨C coveted by many other cities around the country ¨C worth more than RMB one billion. No matter what its value, an investment project in the energy and heavy chemicals sectors will get a green light only if at least 50 percent of its prospective mining output can be processed locally into higher added-value products. And whatever economic benefits they might bring, high energy-consumption or pollutant projects are strictly forbidden from the city’s soil. This “restrictive” perspective has not scared off investors with deep pockets. Last year, the city signed investment contracts of a higher value than certain coastal provinces. ORDOS, in contrast to many places in China that are different lowering or removing their foreign investments thresholds, is raising its own requirements in this regard. The city has removed certain projects ̈C coveted by many other cities around the country ̈C worth more than RMB one billion. No matter what its value, an investment project in the energy and heavy chemicals sectors will get a green light only if at least 50 percent of its prospective mining output can be processed local into higher added-value products. Benefits &rises, high energy-consumption or pollutant projects are strictly forbidden from the city’s soil. This “restrictive” perspective has not scared off investors with deep pockets. Last year, the city signed investment contracts of a higher value than certain Coastal provinces.
今年6月初,正值威尼斯双年展(La Biennale diVenezia)和巴塞尔艺术博览会举行之际,我应《Art&Wine》资深记者,“皮埃蒙特甜美之家”世贸促进协会负责人之邀前往欧洲,同行的是
如果没有香港对抢购客的严厉制裁,奶粉或许不会成为今年两会上如此瞩目的议题。面对争议,香港特首梁振英称,“新例适用于所有人,并不是针对内地居民,希望获得内地居民的理解和谅解”。  但由此引发的针对内地奶粉质量的信任危机却在持续发酵。在政协新任发言人吕新华声称“内地奶粉99%符合质量标准”后,更是将热议推向新的高度。国家质检总局副局长杨刚委员则称,质检总局的数据显示国内的乳制产品86%都是合格的,出口
本刊讯2007年6月21日Force10网络公司宣布推出C300万兆以太网交换机,此产品在业界第一次集成了支持目前任务关键业务应用所必需的可靠性。C300交换机专门为要求严格的 June