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The w ater quality monitoring operation to evaluate the w ater quality of polluted river is an extremely im po rtant task fo r the river-w atershed m anagem ent/co ntro l based o n the enviro nm ental po licy.In this study,the no vel,sim ple and co nvenient w ater quality m o nito ring o f Jialing-River in Cho ngqing,China w as carried o ut using an advanced io n chro m ato graphy(IC) co nsisting o f io n-ex clusio n/catio n-ex change chro m ato graphy(IEC/CEC) with conductivity detection for determining simultaneously the common anions such as SO 2 4,Cl,and NO 3 and the catio ns such as Na +,NH + 4,K +,Mg 2 +,and Ca 2 +,the ion-exclusion chromatography(IEC) w ith visible detectio n fo r determ ining sim ultaneo usly the nutrient co m po nents such as pho sphate and silicate io ns,and the IEC w ith the enhanced co nductivity detectio n using a po st co lum n o f K +-fo rm catio n-ex change resin fo r determ ining HCO 3-alkalinity as an ino rganic-carbo n so urce fo r bio m ass synthesis in bio lo gical reactio n pro cess under the aero bic co nditio ns.Acco rding to the io nic balance theo ry betw een the to tal equivalent co ncentratio ns o f anio ns and catio ns,the w ater quality evaluatio n o f the Jialing-River w aters taking at different sam pling sites in Cho ngqing m etro po litan area w as carried o ut using the advanced IC system.As a result,the effectiveness o f this no vel w ater quality m o nito ring m etho do lo gy using the IC system w as dem o nstrated o n the several practical applicatio ns to a typical bio lo gical sew age treatm ent plant o n Jialing-River o f Cho ngqing. The w ater quality monitoring operation to evaluate the w ater quality of polluted river is an extremely im po rtant task fo r the river-w atershed anagem ent / co ntro l based on the enviro nm ental po licy. In this study, the no vel, sim ple and co nvenient w ater quality mo nito ring of Jialing-River in Cho ngqing, China w as carried o ut using an advanced io n chro m ato graphy (IC) co nsisting of io n-ex clusio n / catio n-ex change chro m ato graphy (IEC / CEC) with conductivity detection for determining the common anions such as SO 2 4, Cl, and NO 3 and the cants ns such as Na +, NH + 4, K + Mg 2 +, and Ca 2 +, the ion-exclusion chromatography (IEC) w ith visible detectio n fo r determ in in sim ultaneo usly the nutrient co m ne nents such as pho sphate and silicate io ns, and the IEC w ith the enhanced co nductivity detectio n using a po st co lum nof K + -fo rm catio n-ex change resin fo r determ ining HCO 3 -alkalinity as an in rganic-carbo n so urce fo r bio m ass synthesi s in bio lo gical reactio n pro cess under the aero bic co nditio ns.Acco rding to the io nic balance theo ry betw een the to tal equivalent co ncentratio ns of anio ns and catio ns, the w ater quality evaluatio n of the jialing -River w aters taking at different sam pling sites in Cho ngqing m etro po litan area w as carried o ut using the advanced IC system. As a result, the effectiveness of this no vel w ater quality mo nito ring m etho do lo gy using the IC system w as demostrated on the several practical applicatio ns to a typical bio lo gical sew age treatm ent plant on Jialing-River of Cho ngqing.
本文论述简体字、繁体字的转换,同时介绍了一个具有某些“准智能”功能的实用的自动转换系统.该系统已实现由简体字到繁体字的高质量和高速度转换,并可在IBM PC/XT,AT及其兼容机上运行. Thi
目的:采用反相高效液相色谱法测定浓维磷糖浆中咖啡因和维生素B1的含量。  方法:采用 Diamonsil C18 柱(250mm*4.6mm,5um),以甲醇-庚烷磺酸钠缓冲液为流动相(10:90),检测波长为272nm 。  结果:咖啡因与维生素B1浓度分别在3.5~282.6μg/ml(r=1.0000)和0.7~54.7μg/ml (r=0.9999)内与峰面积呈良好的线性关系(n=9),方
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