
来源 :河北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dykonka
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河北学术期刊近二十多年来获得了前所未有的发展,显示了改革开放以来我省学术期刊业的繁荣与成熟,反映了河北科研领域新成果和科研队伍的成长,为推进学术研究和发展科学文化事业,为社会主义物质文明、政治文明和精神文明建设发挥了积极作用。但也存在着一些问题和不足,如期刊整体学术质量不高,管理机制不健全,出版单一,发行量小,信息滞后等。为使我省学术期刊更健康的发展,需不断提高编辑素质,树立现代出版理念,建立健全管理机制,改变单一的纸质出版方式,用电子化手段拓宽发展空间,实施精品战略,将河北学术期刊做精做强。 Hebei academic journals have gained unprecedented development over the past two decades, showing the prosperity and maturity of academic journals in our province since the reform and opening up, reflecting the growth of new achievements and research teams in Hebei’s scientific research fields, promoting scientific research and the development of science Cultural undertakings have played an active role in building the socialist material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization. However, there are also some problems and deficiencies, such as the overall academic quality of journals is not high, the management mechanism is not perfect, a single publication, circulation is small, the information lags behind. In order to make the academic journals in our province develop healthily, we must constantly improve the quality of editors, establish the concept of modern publishing, establish and perfect the management mechanism, change the single paper publishing method, broaden the development space with electronic means and implement the excellent product strategy. Journals to be refined and stronger.
【摘 要】随着我国社会经济的迅猛发展,英语学习已经不单单局限于听力与阅读方面,而更加注重各种英语能力的综合培养,尤其是英语综合应用能力。社会的发展对学生的语言应用与口头表达能力要求越来越高。如何提学生的口语表达及交往能力已经引起各大高校的高度重视。随着计算机网络技术的提高,计算机技术运用于校园教学中日趋火热,数字化校园建设水平已经成为衡量各高校发展水平高低的重要方面。如何让英语学习与计算机课网络
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