庆祝建党70周年 积极开展宣传活动

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桦甸市图书馆紧密配合建党70周年的宣传,积极开展多种形式的读者活动。一、举办了桦甸市党史知识百题竞赛。由市委宣传部下发通知,图书馆具体承办,得到了市直各党委的积极响应。共有27个代表队81人参加竞赛。其中局党委、团委、妇女组织的领导24人。评选出农行、公安局、交通局3个先进集体和10名先进个人。二、与市文联共同举办了“党魂”征文比赛,现已收到征文33篇。三、举办了中小学生“让精神世界更美好”读书活动。与团市委、教育局、校外办、教师进修学校合办,全市中小学生广泛参加,收到读书体会200余篇,上报《中国 Huadian City Library closely matches the propaganda of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the party and actively carries out various forms of reader activities. First, held a Huadian City Party history knowledge 100 questions contest. Publicity by the Municipal Publicity Department issued a notice, the specific undertaking of the library, has been directly under the municipal Party committee’s positive response. A total of 27 teams 81 people to participate in the competition. Among them, there are 24 leaders of Party committees, youth league organizations and women’s organizations. Selected the Agricultural Bank of China, Public Security Bureau, Bureau of Transportation three advanced collectives and 10 advanced individuals. Second, together with the Municipal Federation of literary and art circles held a “party spirit” essay competition, has now received essay 33. Third, organized primary and secondary students to “make the spiritual world a better” reading activities. In cooperation with the Communist Youth League, the Education Bureau, the Foreign Affair Office and the teacher training school, more than 200 primary and secondary school students in the city participated in the program and received more than 200 reading articles and reported to China
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病历摘要 [患者] 男,26岁,因发热1月余,腹痛半个月。于1967年2月9日入院。患者于1个月前发冷、发热,下午明显(体温39℃)。于发病后第3天,下腹和下肢出现皮疹,皮科诊为“丘疹
1978年5月11日某水库工地爆发一起食物中毒,经流行病学调查及病原学检验,证实为腊样芽胞杆菌所致,现报告如下: 中毒经过与发病情况:5月11日晨45名民工在同一食堂进食大米饭,