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由浙江省农科院用76—27A与2674配组选育而成的粳型杂交稻七优6号,于1990年3月通过省品种审定委员会审定。1990年在浙江余杭县试种184亩,平均亩产为445.3公斤,比当地常规粳稻平均增产27公斤,增幅6.45%。该县乾元乡禾丰村试种11亩,平均亩产达480.5公斤,其中有1.8亩,亩产501.4公斤。该组合表现耐肥抗倒、生长势旺盛、抗性较好、米质和产量均超过杂交税稻,深受农户欢迎。 一、特征特性:该组合属晚粳类型,感光性较强。株型大而紧凑,剑叶较挺,根系发达,耐肥抗倒,分染中等。株高85厘米左右,每穗总粒数115粒,实粒98.5粒,结实率为85.6%,千粒重25.2克以上,一般每亩有效穗22万左右,是一个穗、粒、重兼顾型rrrrrrrrn组合,且适应性广,米质优良。全生育期在141~148天之间,比秀水11长3~6天。 二、M种技术要点:76—27A属晚粳型感光不育系,其柱头外露率在30%以上,且开颖角度大,异交结实率高;父本2674分率力强,花粉量大,制种易获高产,一般亩产175公斤左右,高的可达250公斤以上。其制种技术主要掌握:(1)播差:一般时差20天左右,父本在4月23日和4月28日分两期播种,母本5月13日播种较为适宜。(2)合理安植:母本以16.7 X 13.3厘米种植,父本株距16.7厘米,每亩输母本1.8~2.0万丛,父本0.的万丛。(S)喷九二o因父本植株高于母本,? Zhejiang Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences with 76-27A and 2674 with a group of breeding of the japonica hybrid rice Qiyou 6, in 1990 March through the provincial species validation committee validation. In 1990, Yuhang County, Zhejiang trial 184 acres, the average yield of 445.3 kilograms, than the average local conventional rice production 27 kilograms, an increase of 6.45%. Hefeng Village, Qianyuan Township, has 11 mu of cultivated land, with an average yield of 480.5 kg per mu, of which 1.8 mu and 501.4 kg per mu. The combination of resistance to fattening, vigorous growth, better resistance, quality and yield of hybrid rice than tax, welcomed by farmers. First, the characteristics and characteristics: This combination is a late japonica type, strong photosensitivity. Large and compact plant type, relatively strong flag leaf, developed root system, resistant to lodging, medium distribution. Plant height of about 85 cm, the total number of grains per panicle 115, the actual number of 98.5 grains, seed setting rate of 85.6%, more than 25.2 grams of grain weight, the general effective per acre 220,000 or so, is a spike, grain, weight and r r r r r r r r n combination, and wide adaptability, good quality rice. The whole growth period of 141 to 148 days, 11 days longer than Xiushui 3 to 6 days. Second, the M kinds of technical points: 76-27A is a late japonica type of CMS, the stigma exposed rate of 30% or more, and the open point of view, outcrossing high seed rate; male parent 2674 points strong rate of pollen Large, easy access to high-yielding, generally about 175 kg per mu, up to 250 kg high. The seed production technology is mainly mastered: (1) sowing: the general time difference of 20 days, on April 23 and April 28, the male parent sowing, female parent May 13 planting is more appropriate. (2) Reasonable planting: The female parent is planted with 16.7 X 13.3 cm, the parent plant spacing is 16.7 cm, and the female parent is 1.8 to 20 000 plexs per hectare. (S) spray nine two o because of the parent plant higher than the mother,?
橄榄(Canarium album Raeusch)属橄榄科(Burseraceae)橄榄属(Canarium L.),是我国南方特产水果之一,已有2000多年的栽培历史。橄榄原产于中国,主要分布于广东、福建、台湾、
<正> 1991年10月15日至11月14日,中国社会科学院新闻研究所访日考察团一行4人,在日本国际交流基金赞助下,对日本新闻事业进行了考察。访日期间,代表团还应邀列席了由日本大众传播学会与韩国言论学会共同主办的一次日韩学术讨论会,主题是“亚洲地区的卫星传播问题”,但实际上是围绕日韩之问因NHK的卫星直播电视(DBS)造成的“电波越境”(Spill—over)所引起的文化摩擦问题而展开的。讨论会为期两天(10月27—28日),分4个讨论题,即:①超越国境的电视信息流通问题;②关于DBS的电波
六、复刊后走了一段弯路 1945年8月中旬日本宣布无条件投降,留在上海的严宝礼闻此喜讯,特别振奋,立即投入筹备文汇报复刊的工作。首先遇到的是编辑部领导班子的人选问题。严