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六、复刊后走了一段弯路 1945年8月中旬日本宣布无条件投降,留在上海的严宝礼闻此喜讯,特别振奋,立即投入筹备文汇报复刊的工作。首先遇到的是编辑部领导班子的人选问题。严宝礼心目中最理想的人选,当然是徐铸成;徐虽答应抗战胜利后脱离《大公报》回来主持《文汇报》笔政,但徐远在重庆,一时回来不得。至于严、费、陈、储四友,虽曾矢志办好《文汇报》,但胜利后,费彝民和陈高庸忙于接收工作,无暇顾及。因此,严可以指望的,只有我一个人了。但我怕熬夜,只管言论,不管新闻,使严不得不从以前《文汇报》的编辑中拣出一位要闻编辑朱云光来挑大梁。严宝礼决定由我任总主笔、朱云光任总编辑,是他急于复刊《文汇报》的权宜之计。我和朱云光长期留在孤岛,对整个抗日战争形势缺少认识,对国内政治特别是国共之间的关系更不了解,由我们两人主持《文汇报》,其实并不适宜。 Sixth, after the re-edition of a detour to go in the middle of August 1945 Japan announced the unconditional surrender, stay in Shanghai, Yan Bao-yao heard this good news, especially excited, and immediately put into preparation for Wen Wei Po’s work. First encountered is the editorial department of the leadership of the candidates. Xu Baocheng, of course, is the best candidate for Yan Baoli’s mind. Xu Xu, who promised to leave the “Ta Kung Pao” after he resisted the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, presided over the “Wen Wei Po” pen and paper poll, but Xu Yuan was in Chongqing temporarily. As for Yan, Fei, Chen and Chu Siyou, although they had determined to run Wen Wei Po, they were too busy to take over the work after the victory. Therefore, Yan can expect, only me alone. However, I am afraid to stay up all night, just speech, regardless of the news, so strictly forced from the previous “Wen Wei Po” editors picked out a chief editor Zhu Yunuang to pick up the bar. Yan Baoli decided by me as the chief executive pen, Zhu Yunuang served as editor-in-chief, he is eager to re-run “Wen Wei Po” expedient plan. I and Zhu Yunuang stayed in an island for a long time. I did not know much about the situation of the entire War of Resistance Against Japan and I did not understand the relationship between domestic politics, especially the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. Hosting the Wen Wei Po by both of us was actually not appropriate.
Advancement has recently been made on the techniques for separating andmaintaining colonies of red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta Buren. A new brood res
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<正> 1991年10月15日至11月14日,中国社会科学院新闻研究所访日考察团一行4人,在日本国际交流基金赞助下,对日本新闻事业进行了考察。访日期间,代表团还应邀列席了由日本大众传播学会与韩国言论学会共同主办的一次日韩学术讨论会,主题是“亚洲地区的卫星传播问题”,但实际上是围绕日韩之问因NHK的卫星直播电视(DBS)造成的“电波越境”(Spill—over)所引起的文化摩擦问题而展开的。讨论会为期两天(10月27—28日),分4个讨论题,即:①超越国境的电视信息流通问题;②关于DBS的电波