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装饰绘画是现代画家和观众普遍喜爱的绘画风格,随着社会经济的不断发展和进步,人们的物质追求和精神追求逐渐增大,对图画的审美和品味也在不断升级,这就要求现代作家的绘画技能和本领需要提高层次和高度。目前越来越多的画家和研究学者开始研究装饰绘画的形式美与装饰手法,主要由于现代装饰绘画存在一定的缺陷和不足,为了进一步提高才开始进行理论研究和挖掘。本文通过对装饰绘画的研究现状进行了详细地了解,介绍了装饰绘画的概念和形式特征,提出形式美表现需要遵循的一定原则和法则,最后提供了几种装饰手法,为现代装饰绘画创造了有利的现实理论基础和依据,促进我国文化领域的进一步拓展和发挥作用。 Decorative painting is a popular painting style of modern painters and audiences. With the continuous development and progress of social economy, people’s material pursuit and spiritual pursuit are gradually increasing, and the aesthetic and taste of the paintings are constantly being upgraded. This requires that modern writers The painting skills and skills need to improve the level and height. At present, more and more painters and researchers begin to study the formal beauty and decorative techniques of decorative painting mainly because of the shortcomings and shortcomings of modern decorative painting. In order to further improve, they begin to carry out theoretical research and excavation. In this paper, the current situation of decorative painting was studied in detail. The concept and formal features of decorative painting were introduced. Some principles and rules that need to be followed were put forward. Finally, several decorative techniques were provided to create a modern decorative painting Favorable theoretical foundation and basis for the promotion of our country’s cultural field to further expand and play its role.
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