
来源 :岩土工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youjiaxiaogege
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常规设计通常仅考虑桩基受主动荷载作用时的内力和变形,然而基坑开挖引起的土体侧移会使邻近桩基产生附加内力和变形,甚至可能引起桩的破坏。针对此类被动桩问题,基于假定的开挖土体自由场位移模式,采用Winkler地基模型,提出一种能量变分分析方法。该方法基于最小势能原理,通过能量方法建立变分控制方程,针对不同的桩顶约束条件,对被动桩问题进行分析。与经典解答和试验结果对比,验证了本文方法的正确性,该方法能够简便地分析土体侧移作用下被动单桩的性状。 Conventional design usually only considers the internal forces and deformations of the piles under the active load. However, the lateral displacement of the soil due to the excavation of the foundation pits may cause additional internal forces and deformations of the adjacent piles, which may even cause the pile damage. Aiming at the problem of such passive piles, a Winkler foundation model is proposed based on the assumption of the free-field displacement model of excavated soil. An energy variational analysis method is proposed. Based on the principle of minimum potential energy, this method establishes the variational control equations by energy method and analyzes the passive pile problems according to different pile top constraints. Compared with the classical solutions and the experimental results, the correctness of the method in this paper is verified. The method can easily analyze the behavior of passive single pile under the lateral displacement of soil.
“决心”是在国外工作的人所表现出的一贯品质。既然这样,只要你有出国打工的打算,你首先得下决心。 但是,光有决心是不够的。值得一提的是,所有在国外找到工作的人都有一套
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1 病例报告例 1:女 ,6 2岁 ,撞伤 5天 ,意识模糊、呼吸困难 4天 ,加重 4小时入院。入院前一天剖腹探查行肠坏死切除术后 ,呼吸困难进行性加重。体检 :T 36 .5℃ ,BP16 / 9.3
分三期连载20世纪的重要发明,从福特汽车装配线到英法海底隧道列车,本期介绍1900~1929年的某些发明。 The important inventions of the 20th century were serialized in th