Bright Future for China-ASEAN Cooperation

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  In 2020, amidst a significantly weak international trade market, ASEAN became the largest trading partner of China in history. In 2021, the economic and trade cooperation between China and ASEAN countries continues to buck the global trend, and ASEAN has become the most important outbound investment destination and source of foreign direct investment for China. In 2020, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), initiated by 10 ASEAN countries, was officially signed marking the largest free trade zone as moving on smoothly, bringing confidence and hope to the global economy in a difficult time.
  The signing of the RCEP would boost regional economic and trade cooperation between China and ASEAN and even the entire Asia-Pacific region, and encourage enterprises to pay more attention to international development plans. However, at the same time, friction and disputes increase, too, bringing a sharp rise in demand for legal services. How to better understand the legal environment in trade partnering and investment destination countries and regions while avoiding legal risks has now become a big concern for enterprises carrying out international economic and trade cooperation.
  Recently, President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the opening of the 18th China-ASEAN Expo and China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit in Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, he said, “over the past 30 years since dialogue relations were established between China and ASEAN, both sides have actively deepened all-round cooperation and become each other’s largest trading partners, building the most dynamic cooperative relations in Asia-Pacific. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, both sides have joined hands to fight the epidemic and overcome difficulties together, interpreting the spirit of the community of a common future, namely supporting each other and sharing weal and woe.” President Xi Jinping’s congratulatory letter drew an exciting blueprint for China-ASEAN cooperation, highlighting the confidence and determination of China and ASEAN to build the Belt and Road of high quality and a China-ASEAN community for a common future.
  At a special meeting for the 30th anniversary of China-ASEAN Dialogue Partnership and Symposium on China-ASEAN Commercial Legal Cooperation, held at the same time, participants from industrial and commercial circles of various countries discussed the prospect of the RCEP as it has come into effect, how to further strengthen and improve effective China-ASEAN cooperation, as well as the goal to deepen economic and trade cooperation between China and the ASEAN and increasing demand for commercial legal services.
摘要:在新课改的背景下,尤其是在小学阶段,除了文化课的学习,德育工作也是学校的重中之重。德育可以提高学生的整体素质,可以净化学生的心灵,让学生在精神上获得养分,甚至可以影响学生的一生。在小学阶段,帮助学生树立正确的人生观、价值观、道德观,才可以让学生在自身的发展中正确选择,提高自身的思想道德水平。因此小学阶段,德育工作非常重要,必须要想办法提升德育工作的实效性。  关键词:小学 德育工作 提升 实
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