Surface Modification of PBO Fibers for Composites by Coaxial Atmospheric Dielectric Barrier Discharg

来源 :Plasma Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lk123ad
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In this work, the surface modification of poly (1, 4-phenylene-cis-benzobisoxazole) (PBO) fibers by O 2 /Ar coaxial atmospheric dielectric barrier discharge was investigated, as well as the interfacial adhesion properties of modified PBO fibers/epoxy composites. The results indicated that the contact angle decreased remarkably from 84.7 to 63.5 after 3 min O 2 /Ar plasma treatment. SEM and AFM images showed that the surface of the treated PBO fibers became rather rough. In addition, XPS results suggested that the polar functional group (O=C- O) was introduced on the surface of the treated PBO fiber. The interfacial adhesion test showed that the interfacial shear strength (IFSS) and the interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) increased significantly by 63.54% and 130%, respectively. Moreover, the excellent tensile property of the PBO fibres was well preserved In this work, the surface modification of poly (1, 4-phenylene-cis-benzobisoxazole) (PBO) fibers by O 2 / Ar coaxial atmospheric dielectric barrier discharge was investigated as well as the interfacial adhesion properties of modified PBO fibers / epoxy composites. The results indicated that the contact angle decreased remarkably from 84.7 to 63.5 after 3 min O 2 / Ar plasma treatment. SEM and AFM images showed that the surface of the treated PBO fibers became rather rough. In addition, XPS results suggested that the The interfunctional adhesion test showed that the interfacial shear strength (IFSS) and the interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) increased significantly by 63.54% and 130% , respectively. the excellent tensile property of the PBO fibers was well preserved
巴黎设计师Thomas Dariel可以称得上设计界的怪才,他似乎有一种魔力,永远有取之不竭的创意,给人们带来意想不到的视觉惊喜。  一套结构平庸的顶楼复式老房,在他的一番改造下转变成了一个宽敞、现代、精致、灵气十足并且丝毫不乏功能性的蓝色梦幻公寓。  用诚意和热情打动客户  之所以说Thomas是怪才,不单单因为他作品里充满了各种古灵精怪的创意,更因为见到他本人时与照片印象差不多,总是一袭黑衣,
Memory effect has been studied in the system using magnetic nanoparticles with Ni nanocore encapsulated by non-magnetic and oxidation-resistant Ni2P nanoshell a
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