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市场永远是不甘于寂寞的,不管哪个行业都是风起云涌。2006年,中国木纤维和竹纤维毛巾市场可谓是群雄逐鹿,从局部到全局,从暗处到明处,从网络到纸媒,一场又一场强弱换位的企业接力赛也开始进入我们的视线。其势头之猛,产品之丰富,营销手段之多样,也是我们前所未见的。为了相对准确地把握和观察整个毛巾市场,本刊记者历时一年采访和跟踪了长沙欧林雅家纺有限公司里的几位代理商。跟踪结果表明,在进货和销售等各种数据集结成一个行业的缩影后,欧林雅的品牌也在市场中被无限放大。当通路和渠道呈现出强势爆发力时,企业和企业间的谋道之战已经不仅仅是明争暗斗的简单搏杀,而是品牌和实力的较量。经过20多年的改革开放后,生产的发展带来了物质的丰富,除了部分垄断企业,每个行业都有数以万计的企业在瓜分着大大小小的市场。而中国家纺行业,情况更不容乐观。一是传统家纺企业,既没有做出自己的特色产品,也没有真正形成具有号召力的市场品牌;二是一些小而无章的品牌充斥着中国家纺行业,整个行业存在品牌和价格无序混乱,从而导致衍生出来的创新产品难以形成。找准自己的定位与市场已成为商家和消费者的共同心声,也为有志于在中国家纺行业长期耕耘的的企业留下了一方有作为的沃土。 The market is always unwilling to be lonely, no matter which industry is surging. In 2006, China’s wood fiber and bamboo fiber towel market was a great match. From the local to the overall situation, from the darkness to the bright spot, from the network to the paper media, a strong and weak corporate relay race has begun to enter our Sight. Its turbulent momentum, rich products, and diversified marketing methods are also unprecedented to us. In order to grasp and observe the entire towel market relatively accurately, the journalist interviewed and tracked several agents in the Changsha Oulinja Home Textiles Co., Ltd. for one year. The tracking results show that after various data sets such as purchases and sales have become a microcosm of an industry, Ollia’s brand is also infinitely enlarged in the market. When channels and channels show a strong explosive force, the battle between companies and enterprises is not just a simple battle to fight, but a contest between brand and strength. After more than 20 years of reform and opening up, the development of production has brought about material abundance. Except for some monopoly enterprises, there are tens of thousands of companies in each industry that divide the markets of large and small. In the Chinese national textile industry, the situation is even less optimistic. The first is the traditional home textile enterprises, which have neither made their own featured products nor really formed a market brand that has a rallying power. Second, some small and undisciplined brands are filled with the Chinese national textile industry. There is disorder in brand and price in the entire industry. , which led to the development of derived innovative products is difficult to form. Finding their own position and market has become the common aspiration of businesses and consumers, and it also leaves fertile ground for companies that are interested in long-term cultivation in the Chinese textile industry.
【澳大利亚《广告人报》2007年2月26日报道】澳大利亚3位富豪为建设澳大利亚第一座核电厂成立了一家私营公司——澳大利亚核能有限公司。他们是前南澳经济发展委员会主席 Au
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