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古代北方狩猎部落崇拜熊的习俗凡是到过大兴安岭西北麓一带原始密林的人,都会发现一种奇怪的现象,即在两棵落叶松树之间,悬挂着用桦树条捆好的一捆东西,这是什么呢?原来是鄂温克猎人葬熊的一种遗物。鄂温克猎人在这一捆东西里装进了熊的许多骨头和五脏;另外,还要在两棵松树的阳面,刮开树皮做成一平面,横刻十二道小沟,在沟里涂上各种颜色,并在第六道沟的两端,把熊的双眼镶在树上。而且人们要假装哭泣,给熊敬烟,与老人死时的仪式相似。鄂伦春人则是用草把熊骨包好,放在树木搭成的架上,放好后,老年人要领青年人跪下,给熊敬烟,磕头,并要向熊祈祷说:“老爷子以后多给猎物。” The custom of worshiping bears in ancient northern hunting tribes Anyone who has ever visited the primitive jungle in the northwestern part of the Greater Khingan Range will find a strange phenomenon that a bundle of birch trees is hung between two larch trees, What is this? It turned out to be a relic of the Ewenki hunter’s burial bear. Ewenki hunter in this bundle of things into the bear many bones and five internal organs; In addition, but also in the sun on the two pine trees, scraping the bark made a flat, horizontal engraved twelve small ditch, painted in the ditch On the various colors, and at the ends of the sixth ditch, bear the eyes of the bears on the tree. And people should pretend to weep and give bears to the smokers, similar to the rites of the dead. Oroqen is the grass wrapped with the bones, placed in the trees on the shelf, put away, the elders to get the young people to knelt, give the beast to smoke, kowtow, and pray to the bear and said: “Father to give more prey.”
太平天国的“國”字为什么都用“国”而不用“國”?是否有特珠的意义?并且为什么太平天国所用的名词和文字有些和一般通用的都不一致? Why did the “state” of the Taipi
患者男,61岁,农民,住院号90839。因头晕、头痛伴在侧肢体软弱无力20 d入院。否认高血压及其它病史。体查:血压15/12 kPa,心率60 min~(-1),偶闻早搏,EKG:偶发室性早搏,心肌缺
采用双盲随机化方式,评价还原酶Fluvastatin单独或与烟酸联合用药治疗饮食控制无效的高胆固醇血症的疗效和安全性。 病例来自1990年10月至1992年7月间两个研究中心的74例高
氯氰菊酯,俗称兴棉宝、灭百克,是拟除虫菊酯农药,目前已广泛使用,现将我们收治的1例氯氰菊酯急性中毒的病例报道如下。 患者男性,35岁,司机,病例号18735。于1991年8月19日13