
来源 :中国科学技术史(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangtao7897
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耶稣会士在17和18世纪西方科学技术向中国的传播过程中起到了重要作用,但他们对水利技术的影响却未得到足够的关注.例如,传教士熊三拔与中国官员徐光启合著了《泰西水法》(1612年),这是中国最早介绍西方提水装置的书籍,其中详细描述了阿基米德螺旋泵.阿基米德螺旋泵在中国和朝鲜的影响较为有限,但就日本而言,这种螺旋泵早在1637年就用于佐渡岛的金矿排水.19世纪后期,西方人接触到描绘日本采金过程的手工着色画卷,这才了解阿基米德螺旋泵在日本的应用.这些画卷揭示了阿基米德螺旋泵的各类应用,而相关知识显然源自《泰西水法》中的制作说明.“,”The Jesuits played an important role in the transmission of Western science and technology to China during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries,though their impact on water technology has received scant attention thus far.As a case in point,Sabatino de Ursis,Society of Jesus 熊三拔,in collaboration with the Chinese official Xu Guangqi 徐光啟,published in 1612 Hydraulic Methods of the Far West(Taixi shuifa 泰西水法),the earliest book in China on Western water-lifting devices,which contained a detailed description of the Archimedean screw pump.While the impact of the Archimedean screw pump in China and Korea remained rather limited,the screw pump was used to drain water from gold mines in the Japanese Sado Island from as early as 1637.This fact became known in the West only in the very late 1800s when hand-colored picture scrolls about the Japanese gold mining process became available.These scrolls show various applications of Archimedean screw,which apparently were made according to the manufacturing instructions in Hydraulic Methods of the Far West.
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Let R be a commutative ring and Г(R) be its zero-divisor graph.We com-pletely determine the structure of all finite commutative rings whose zero-divisor graphs have clique number one,two,or three.Furthermore,if R≌ Ri × R2 × … Rn (each Ri is local for i =1