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提振首都的职业教育应转变发展模式,以供给为导向以需求为导向转变;以教育行政主管部门和学校为主导向教育行政主管部门为主导、学校和企业为主体的模式转变。因此,深入研究并解决职业教育发展“校企合作”问题是职业教育可持续发展的重要保障。目前,北京市的职业教育体制主要是以学校职业教育为主体,由政府、教育行政主管部门负责的发展模式。截至2014年底,本市共有中等职业学校120所,含普通中专32所、职业高中57所、技工学校20所、独立设置的成人中等职业学校11所,其中“国家中等职业教育改革发展示范校”21所。中职在校生16.71万人,生均预算内财政经费为1.8万元,毕业生就 To boost the capital’s vocational education should change the mode of development, supply-oriented needs-oriented change; education administration departments and schools as the leading education administration department-led, schools and enterprises as the main mode change. Therefore, in-depth study and solution to the development of vocational education “school-enterprise cooperation ” is an important guarantee for the sustainable development of vocational education. At present, the vocational education system in Beijing is mainly based on the development of vocational education in schools as the main body, and the government and education administrative departments in charge. By the end of 2014, there were 120 secondary vocational schools in the city, including 32 general secondary technical schools, 57 vocational high schools, 20 technical schools and 11 adult secondary vocational schools independently set up, in which the “Model Reform and Development of National Secondary Vocational Education School ”21. There are 167,100 students in secondary vocational schools, with a financial budget of 18,000 yuan per student on average, and graduates
以探索国际约稿实施策略,为科技期刊工作者提供参考为目标,从《Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering》实际经验出发,总结国际约稿行之有效的方法及实施过程中的注
陈经纶中学北工大帝景分校是一所地道的社区配套学校,学校服务区域内的家长普遍学历较低,有大专以上学历的只占31%;生源水平参差不齐,67%的来自帝景社区,46%为外地借读生。学校初创,一切都得白手起家,没有群众和领导的信任基础,教师来自四面八方,教育观念、教学能力差异较大。  面对诸多困难,“经纶帝景人”借助陈经纶中学教育集团的推力和引力,经过短短4年的艰苦努力,把一个从无到有的学校建设成为周边群众