弘扬民族医药 造福百姓健康

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中医中药是中华民族的瑰宝,在千年的历史长河中,为保障中华民族的生存与繁衍,发挥重要作用。当前国家政府对如何解决老百姓看病难、看病贵等相关问题十分重视,相继出台了相关政策,解决了不少问题,但目前仍存在着不少问题,有待于国家卫生部在医疗改革中制定出更符合中国国情政策。在2008年首届中国民族卫生医药发展论坛中,有关专家学者呼吁政府在改革过程中应该充分发挥中医中药特色,普及中医药推广作用,让更多的老百姓享受到价位低廉、疗效好、副作用少的中医药服务项目,从而减轻痛苦,远离病魔,回归健康状态。为此记者采访了与会发言的民间医生陈乃如先生。记者:请问陈医生从何时起开始行医?行医过程如何让?陈医生:本人自幼便开始与祖父一起上山采药,接受祖父口传心授的中医药知识。在当地家乡生活比较贫穷,缺医少药现象十分突出,时常看到老百姓被病魔缠身的事情,感触特别深刻。因此从小就立志一定要学好中医药,争取将来能成为一 Traditional Chinese medicine is a treasure of the Chinese nation and plays an important role in safeguarding the survival and reproduction of the Chinese nation in the long history of the millennium. At present, the national government attaches great importance to the issues related to how to solve the problems of ordinary people’s medical care and expensive medical services. They have successively issued relevant policies and solved many problems. However, there are still many problems that still need to be formulated by the Ministry of Health in the health care reform. More in line with China’s national conditions and policies. In the first session of the China National Health and Medical Development Forum in 2008, relevant experts and scholars called on the government to give full play to the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine in the process of reform and popularize the role of traditional Chinese medicine in popularizing medicine so that more ordinary people can enjoy low prices, good curative effect, and fewer side effects. Chinese medicine service projects to alleviate pain, stay away from the disease and return to a healthy state. To this end, the reporter interviewed Mr. Chen Nairu, a private doctor who spoke at the meeting. Reporter: How did Dr. Chen begin to practice medicine? How to make it work? Dr. Chen: Since I was a child, I started to collect herbs with my grandfather and received oral and oral knowledge of Chinese medicine from my grandfather. The life in the local hometown is relatively poor, and the phenomenon of lack of medical care and medicine is very prominent. People often see things that are plagued by illnesses and are particularly profound. Therefore, I decided to learn Chinese medicine from a young age and strive to become a future one.
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