
来源 :日本学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:WANGBING0425
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战后,日本紧紧抓住包括科技革命与石油文明兴起、人口年龄结构年轻、依靠美国军事保护得以集中力量发展经济等在内的发展机遇,在实行民主和法制的前提下,以重视教育的普及和强化为基础,以推动技术进步为中心,致力于自身发展,最终以一个实现国内相对公平的国家的形象在国民生产总值方面成为“世界老二”。日本成为“世界老二”后,包括自寻的和外来的一系列苦恼随之而来,外有美国的牵制和打压,内有环境污染、经济泡沫膨胀及破灭、财政恶化、人口少子老龄化等一系列棘手的难题。日本成为“世界老二”前后的经验教训,对刚刚成为“世界老二”的中国今后的发展具有重要的启示意义。 After the war, Japan seized the opportunities for development, including the rise of science and technology and the rise of petroleum civilization, the young age structure of the population, the ability to concentrate its efforts on economic development through the U.S. military protection, and implemented the principle of democracy and the rule of law Popularization and strengthening of the country, focusing on promoting technological progress and devoting itself to its own development. In the end, the image of a country that is relatively domestic relatively equitable has become “the best in the world” in GNP. After Japan became the “world’s second best child,” a series of distress including self-seeking and foreign invaders came along with the containment and suppression of the United States. There was environmental pollution in the country, the economic bubble expanded and burst, the financial deteriorating, Aging and a series of difficult problems. Japan’s experience and lessons before and after becoming “the world’s second best” have important implications for the future development of China, which has just become the “second world”.
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摘 要:小学生良好的书写习惯的培养不仅与教师的严格要求有关,而且教师的言传身教也起着至关重要的作用,良好习惯不是一朝一夕就能养成的,它需要教师在长期的教学过程中的严格要求,以及学生在天天练习时的持之以恒。  关键词:书写姿势;示范作用;兴趣;持之以恒  著名教育家叶圣陶先生说:“什么是教育?简单一句话,就是要养成习惯。”作为小学教师,多年的教学经验使我感觉到,在新课程改革的过程中,传统的教学观念逐
Yesterday I went to the doctor for my yearly physical.My blood pressure was high,and my cholesterol(胆固醇)was high too.I’d gained some weight,and I didn’t fe
兴趣是一切学习活动的助力器,有了兴趣的学习就会是一种享受,所以有经验的教师都会把学习兴趣的培养作为教学的一个重要内容,这就为提高教学效果打下了基础。 Interest is a