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拙文多限干出土夏商古玉的个案评介.凡在定名、功能、年代、占有者方而与《简报》、《报告》有所抵触者.一律按照器物学、博物馆学方法重新定名.并注明对其功能、占有者的不同看法。按照出土玉器的年代分为夏、商以及殷早、晚两期等四个段落,王玉和王室成员玉器在先。方国玉器附在其后。因受出土玉器稀少的局限,夏代玉器在判定年代时尚存在一定程度的模期性.经笔者鉴考、筛选、(?)定的夏玉,虽不敢断定其年代准确无误.但定为夏式玉器还是可以成立的。商代早期在年代、功能上与发掘简报基本吻合。股代早晚两期玉器以妇好墓出土者为代表,列举82类中百余件玉器,可视为妇好的王玉典型器和鉴定标准器。地方或方国玉器以扬越墓和占蜀二祭祀坑所山者为重点.亦列举较多。均为两方国典型性玉器,其族群或方国的风格特点极为鲜明,体现了殷玉的统一性和多源性的并存、交流.显示山殷玉丰富多彩的历史面貌和艺术风格。 In the name, function, age, occupier side and “briefing”, “report” were contradictory. All in accordance with the method of utensils, museum science renamed. And Indicate the different views of its function, owner. According to the era of unearthed jade is divided into Xia, Shang and Yin early, late two four paragraphs, Wang Yu and royal members jade first. Fang country jade attached to the later. Due to the limited excavated jade, the Xia Dynasty jade in the judgment of the fashion there is a certain degree of moderation by the author Kam, screening, (?) Given Xia Yu, although not sure the age accurate, but as summer Jade or can be set up. In the early Shang dynasty, the function basically coincided with excavation briefing. Two generations of jade on behalf of the early morning and evening of the stock were unearthed women and mothers as the representative, enumerated 82 categories of more than 100 pieces of jade, can be regarded as a good woman Wang Yu typical device and identification standard. Local or country jade to Yang more tomb and occupy Shu two sacrificial pit mountain who focus .Also listed more. They are typical jades from both sides of the country, and their ethnic groups and other countries have very distinctive characteristics of style, reflecting the unity and exchange of Yin Yu, showing the colorful historical features and artistic styles of Yin Yu.
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