
来源 :南京理工大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guofeng1988
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这里发表李士春同志对《压控振荡器压控线性的分析计算》(1982年1期)一文的意见。经本刊编辑部对该文进行复审,认为文章讨论的问题是有实际意义的,从几种实际电路得到三种电调等效电路,并从这三种电路出发讨论了压控的线性问题。但在讨论石英振荡器的电调等效电路时,将石英晶体的等效电感看作一个固定值,这是不合适的。事实上这个例子应等效为第二种电路;当然此时变容管应并联有C_t。因此,我们同意来信提出的意见,并转告作者。在复审中还发现第128页、第130页dt/du_0表示式中缺少1/du因子及印刷错误等。 由于学报编辑部工作人员水平有限,工作欠细,以致未能避免上述情况的出现,在此谨向读者致歉,并对李士春同志关心本院学报,来信提出意见的作法表示感谢。我们诚恳欢迎院内外读者对本刊内容及其它有关方面提出意见、建议或批评,以利不断改进工作。为了加强读者、作者、编者之间的联系,为了开展正常的学术讨论和学术批评,今后,读者有关学报内容方面或编辑方面的意见 本刊均将继续择要予以发表。 Comrade Li Shih-chun’s commentary on the article “Analysis and Calculation of Voltage-Controlled Linearity of Voltage-Controlled Oscillators” (No.182, 1982) is published here. After reviewing this article by the editorial department of this journal, it is considered that the problems discussed in the article are of practical significance. Three kinds of equivalent circuit of ESC are obtained from several actual circuits. The linear problems of voltage control are discussed from these three circuits . However, in discussing the ESCO equivalent circuit of the crystal oscillator, it is inappropriate to regard the equivalent inductance of the quartz crystal as a fixed value. In fact, this example should be equivalent to the second circuit; of course, this time varactor should be connected in parallel C_t. Therefore, we agree with the views expressed in the letter and tell the author. Also found in the review was the lack of a 1 / du factor and typographical errors in dt / du_0 on page 128, p. Due to the limited staffing level of the editorial department of the Journal and the lack of work, the journalists were apologized for not being able to avoid the above situation. They also expressed their gratitude to Li Shichun for his interest in expressing opinions in this journal and letters. We sincerely welcome readers both inside and outside the hospital to submit opinions, suggestions or criticisms to the contents of this publication and other relevant parties so as to facilitate the continuous improvement of our work. In order to strengthen the links between readers, authors and editors, in order to carry out normal academic discussion and academic criticism, in the future, the readers’ opinions on journal contents or editors will continue to be selected for publication.
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