Numerical Investigation for High Intensity H~- Beam Injection to a 100 MeV Compact Cyclotron

来源 :Annual Report for China Institute of Atomic Energy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wsttkl
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A 100 MeV compact cyclotron was designed for the generation of high intensity proton beam for theUpgrade Project of Beijing Tandem Accelerator Laboratory. In a compact machine, the bright externalsource and high efficiency injection system become one of the bottleneck problems for intense beamgeneration. From our operation experience of the 30 MeV cyclotron, we know ES(Einzell Lens andSolenoid) system is able to control effectively the envelope during beam injection. However, as the beamintensity increasing, the envelope becomes bigger and the emittance is deteriorated. So as to inject intensebeam into the spiral inflector with an inlet of 8mm×16mm, adjusting of ε_x and ε_y is necessary to match A 100 MeV compact cyclotron was designed for the generation of high intensity proton beam for the Upgrade Project of Beijing Tandem Accelerator Laboratory. In a compact machine, the bright externalsource and high efficiency injection system became one of the bottleneck problems for intense beamgeneration. From our operation experience of the 30 MeV cyclotron, we know ES (Einzell Lens andSolenoid) system is able to control effectively the envelope during beam injection. However, as the beamintensity increasing, the envelope becomes bigger and the emittance is deteriorated. So as to inject intense beam into the spiral inflector with an inlet of 8mm × 16mm, adjusting of ε_x and ε_y is necessary to match
序号 题目 主要完成人 等级 1 干法制备碘-131 沈德恒,王 刚,尹 卫,李大康,贺佑丰,魏凤启,李贵群,李宝仓,孙锐锋,李 光,乔来成,张 姝,王艳杰,陈大明,李文英 1 2 核测试用电流型
2003年,在全室同志的共同努力下,与工程有关的各项工作基本完成了年初的设计目标,并为2004年全面完成CARR工程设计的工作目标打下了良好的基础。 2003年,自动化设计室的全体
根据空间探测器探测1.809 MeV 射线的结果人们断定,银河系内目前存在着2~ 3 M⊙的星际26Al。迄今所建立起的有关天体模型几乎全部无法解决星际26Al的形成问题。有人提出,SNIa