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截至目前,原子能出版社已经出版了4000余种科技图书、高等教育教材、期刊和科技报告,其中有79种次各类专业图书和教材先后获国家级、部级优秀科技图书奖和优秀教材奖。这是记者11月28日在原子能出版社隆重举行30周年社庆的庆祝会上获得的消息。原子能出版社成立于1973年,建社的目的主要是为适应中国原子能事业迅速发展的需要,编辑出版核领域的各类科学技术图书、期刊、教材以及其他相关领域的各类书籍和辞书。 30年来,原子能出版社坚持以多出优秀科技图书为己任,坚持精 So far, Atomic Press has published more than 4000 kinds of science and technology books, textbooks, journals and scientific and technological reports of higher education. Among them, 79 kinds of professional books and teaching materials have won national and ministerial-level outstanding science and technology books and excellent teaching materials . This is the news obtained by the reporter on November 28 at the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Atomic Energy Press. Atomic Energy Press was founded in 1973 with the aim of editing and publishing all kinds of books and dictionaries of various kinds in the field of nuclear science and technology, such as books, periodicals, textbooks and other related fields, in order to meet the rapid development of China’s atomic energy industry. 30 years ago, Atomic Press adhere to the more outstanding science and technology books as their responsibility, adhere to the essence
The fluorescent probe for beam profile measurement has been mostly used in HIRFL-CSR beam diagnostic system. Front controller for video switch is very important
Primary clear cell carcinoma of the nasopharynx is a rare and locally invasive minor salivary gland neoplasm,only two cases have been reported yet in the litera
【法新社马德里2003年8月13日电】 西班牙核安全委员会(CSN)称,它在北部海滨城市希洪(Gijon)的一家钢铁工厂中检测到核物质。 CSN辐射保护部门的官员在2003年8月12日检查时,
序号 题目 主要完成人 等级 1 干法制备碘-131 沈德恒,王 刚,尹 卫,李大康,贺佑丰,魏凤启,李贵群,李宝仓,孙锐锋,李 光,乔来成,张 姝,王艳杰,陈大明,李文英 1 2 核测试用电流型
2003年,在全室同志的共同努力下,与工程有关的各项工作基本完成了年初的设计目标,并为2004年全面完成CARR工程设计的工作目标打下了良好的基础。 2003年,自动化设计室的全体