Introduction to the characteristics of the education of law in

来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xxcoldrain
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  【Abstract】The modern law education began in the late Qing dynasty. Education of law in the late Qing dynasty got the development by leaps and bounds at the beginning of the start, after the government’s drive and the response of the society, to satisfy the need of improving political and constitutionalism.
  【Key words】the late Qing dynasty; legal education; diversity
  After the opium war, great changes had taken place in China’s politics. The Qing government had to set about the reform of political system, waste imperial examination system, and call the new modern education. And set up the constitution law, construct the modern legal system. The implementation of the New Deal, need a large number of new talent, especially legal talent, law education reached its zenith. Law education directly led to the late Qing dynasty to modern law, train and bring up a large number of new legal talents, and constantly promote the modern legal research to the depth and breadth to expand, gradually promote the establishment and perfection of the subject system.
  1. The characteristics of the education law in the late Qing dynasty.
  1.1 The main body of running a school
  Education of law in the late Qing dynasty initial stages by official monopoly, then gradually run by the local Chinese and foreigners do multiple main body education system. Education of law in the late Qing dynasty subject diversification, arouse the enthusiasm of the various schools, education of law has developed rapidly with the short term.
  1.2 The level of the school
  Refer to all types of law school admission study and educational status, the method of division of higher education in general can be divided into two levels. One is law and politics school branch of law, be equivalent to undergraduate university law. The other one is a higher school and law and politics school was branch specialized subject such as equivalent to a bachelor degree under the special course level. Multi-level education met the social demand for different levels of legal talent. Shen Jiaben thought that whether lawmakers or judicial person were through strict laws education rear qualified for the job.
  1.3 School-running pattern
  Law revision in the late Qing dynasty made the disintegration of the traditional Chinese legal system, and began to set up modern legal system. Firstly, it’s the imitation of Anglo-American law education mode. Westernization set up the School of Combined Learning in 1862 for training foreign language talents. Secondly, it’s to carry out the continent law education mode. The courses had constitution, public international law, politics, etc. Thirdly, adopt the Japanese law education mode. Imperial University of Peking made the Japan university education mode as an example.
曾听过这样一句话:音乐是爱,是 happy,是 sad,是 happy sad,是逃离,是奔跑,是真,是开着的火车,是 free,是 peace,是梦想,是音乐。   今年夏天,综艺节目《乐队的夏天》点燃了一把猛烈的音乐火焰。许多人记住了新裤子、盘尼西林、旅行团等乐队的名字,更多人和乐队有了共鸣,理解那群30多岁的“老炮儿”为何对乐队如此热爱,并为之拼命。   同样在这个夏天,小编也接触了许多
去年,我28岁,我考研了。   考研这件事其实在我心头徘徊了很久。我本科毕业的时候,因为决定跨专业就业,便放弃了考研甚至保研的机会,莽撞又热忱地冲进了职场。入职三年后,我意识到了自身专业水平的不足,于是心底不断地出现一个声音:去考研吧。   但我犹豫了整整两年:担心忙碌的工作使我没有足够的时间复习;担心脱离校园、课本那么多年,已经错过了最佳的考试时间;还担心如果认认真真复习了,最终没有考上会令
摘 要:十年来重庆市高考英语试卷书面表达题的命题质量总体较高。主要表现为:体裁趋向多样化、应用文的考查形式丰富多样、题材范围较广、试题设计的真实性原则把握较好、交互性和开放性适中等特点。然而,其中也存在一些问题,诸如体裁比较集中于应用文、考查形式比较单一、信息提供形式主要局限于提纲型、应用文体裁的写作提示信息多余等。据此,对重庆市高考英语试题的命制,以及高中英语写作教学的研究值得一线教师和教研人员
【摘要】为落实《国家中长期教育改革和发展纲要(2010-2020年)》和教育部《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》指示精神,加快推进国家《全日制义务教育课程标准(修订稿)》的实施,我们进行了“学导式学习化课堂”特色的探索,我们在全市范围内开展“学导式学习化课堂”的实践。因此,在教学中我作了一些尝试,采用了放手教学的方法来丰富我的课堂,从而体会了该模式的课堂教学给教学带来更多的收获。  【关键词】“学导
【摘要】本文主要分析了字幕翻译的特点,以及功能对等理论在字幕翻译中的应用,突出了功能对等理论的指导作用。  【关键词】字幕翻译 字幕特点 功能对等理论  随着全球化进程的不断深入,各国之间的文化交流也不断增多。影视作品作为文化交流中的重要环节。除了美国电视剧,韩国电视剧之外,越来越多的西班牙语影视作品进入中国,逐渐成为中国与西班牙语国家文化交流的桥梁。而目前,国内引入西班牙语影视作品数量相对较少,
【摘要】实训教学是培养商务英语专业复合型、应用型人才的重要环节,是应用型本科商务英语专业教学改革的当务之急。论文结合长江大学文理学院商务英语专业实训教学改革的实际情况,从实训教学课程体系、实训教学模式、实训评价体系、实训基地建设和师资建设等方面探讨如何提高应用型本科商务英语专业实训教学的质量。  【关键词】应用型本科 商务英语 实训教学  一、概述  我国应用型本科教育逐渐成为国家高等教育的一个重
上个冬天,教室窗台上的那排多肉植物,成了林清雅眼里的一抹亮色。  广寒宫,桃之卵,姬秋丽,白牡丹,月影……一个又一个美丽清寒的名字对应一株株胖乎乎的绿色植物,像极了它们的主人,周湾湾,一个微胖的女孩儿。她的脸上总是带着温柔的笑意,眼里盛满了爱怜,注视着她眼前一盆盆的绿色植物。  冬天的时候,常常会有人站在窗台上观赏湾湾的多肉植物,这些植物给沉闷的冬天带来了一丝活力。时光转换到了春天,有些女孩儿从家
【摘要】本文主要以多模态语篇中视觉语法为理论框架,从呈现意义、互动意义及构式意义三方面浅析“兰州三炮台”这一具体实物符号所要表达和传递的文化内涵。  【关键词】呈现意义 互动意义 构式意义“兰州三炮台”文化内涵  【Abstract】This paper utilizes the theory of Visual Grammar belonging to the Multimodal Discou
【摘要】本文以牛津初中英语的第一课为教学案例,以自己的教学实践谈谈如何在初中英语教学中,践行新课改理念,构建教师善教、学生乐学的互动课堂的可行措施,以抛砖引玉,呼吁教师们不断探讨教改之路,将课堂教学的改革推向纵深。  【关键词】初中英语 新课改 教学体会 有效课堂  新课程改革推进了十几年,课改理念也早就深入人心,但中考的考试改革,使教师们卸不下应试教育的包袱,为课堂教学的改革设置了障碍。但有效课
姓名:吴红宇  身份:食品研发工程师  你会不会梦想有这样一份职业——日常工作就是“吃吃喝喝”,试吃公司新研发的食品,改良现有的配方。偶尔来趟“旅行”,目的地是食品的原料供应基地,考察它们的原料是否符合标准。但在这无比美好的想象之外,要真正成为一名优秀的食品研发工程师需要面临的是更为严格的考验。   配料、保质期、营养成分表……一张小小的食品标签,又藏着多少不为人知的艰辛。这个故事,我花了很长时