Novel Asynchronous Wrapper and Its Application to GALS Systems4

来源 :Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ganglei2008
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An asynchronous wrapper with novel handshake circuits for data communication in globally asynchronous locally synchronous (GALS) systems is proposed. The handshake circuits include two communication ports and a local clock generator. Two approaches for the implementation of communication ports are presented, one with pure standard cells and the others with Müller-C elements. The detailed design methodology for GALS systems is given and the circuits are validated with VHDL and circuits simulation in standard CMOS technology. An asynchronous wrapper with novel handshake circuits for data communication in exactly asynchronous (GALS) systems is proposed. The handshake circuits include two communication ports and a local clock generator. Two approaches for the implementation of communication of ports are presented, one with pure standard cells and the others with Müller-C elements. The detailed design methodology for GALS systems is given and the circuits are validated with VHDL and circuits simulation in standard CMOS technology.
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