我国信用担保行业发展现状、问题与改革建议,Status and Problems of China Credit Guaranty Industry Development and Reform Su

来源 :重庆理工大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leijugui
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由于财政资金短缺、没有找到适合担保特点的运作机制等原因,我国的信用担保体系正式运行不久,以商业性担保为主担保体系,以营利为目的的商业性融资担保公司就开始大量出现。随着形势的发展,这种以商业性担保为主的担保公司的弊端日益暴露,不可持续性凸显。因此,要转变发展信用担保体系的思路;重构国家层面的信用担保框架,设立不以营利为目的的信用担保机制;通过改革和创新促使现有商业性担保体系化解风险,来实现担保行业的可持续发展。","For the reasons such as the lack of financial fund,the fact that it is hard to find appropriate operation mechanism which can suit to the characteristics of guaranty and so on,numerous commercial financing guaranty companies which taking commercial guaranty as the main commercial activity and aims to collect money raised up later after the operation of credit guaranty system. While the effects of these commercial guaranty companies show up latterly and occurred with the development of situation. This paper put forward that we should transfer the development idea of credit guaranty system,and should reconstruct the credit guaranty structure in the national level and should set up credit guaranty system which does not for profit. At the same time,we should promote the capability of defusing risks of commercial financing guaranty system to realize the sustainable development of guaranty industries.
在今年年初的北京市统计工作会议上,门头沟区统计局王金荣局长作了《重视人才 构建高素质的统计干部队伍》的大会发言,在与会代表中引起了强烈反响。自1993年以来,门头沟区统计
编辑部的同志要我为本书写篇序,我很高兴地接受了这个任务。 认识于桂谦同志,是通过《北京统计》杂志。八、九年前,于桂谦的名字就已频繁出现在杂志和其它报刊上。他写简讯、