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一看到这张照片,便被那架好似刚刚挣脱烈日火焰的束缚,正要涅槃冲天的战机吸引住了。摄影师以巧妙的构图,将高速飞翔的苏-24战斗机与静静高悬在空中的烈日组合在一起,给人以动静结合之美。运动中的物体照片不好拍,因为留给摄影者按下快门的时间太短。战斗机划过烈日的时间更短,能将其突破烈日的这一瞬间精彩地记录下来,除了快门、光圈调整到位外,更需要的是摄影者对构图的提前预判和摄影时机精准的捕捉。要想拍到这样的摄影作品,需要摄影者静若处子、动若脱兔,最耐心地等待,最准确地按下快门,精准捕捉那转瞬即逝的摄影时机。 As soon as I saw this picture, I was drawn to the fighter that was just getting out of the shackles of the scorching sun, and was going on to become a nirvana. Photographers with clever composition, the high-speed flying Su-24 fighters and quietly hanging in the air combined with the sun, giving the combination of static and dynamic beauty. Objects in motion are not good because the time left for the photographer to press the shutter is too short. Fighter across the sun for a shorter time, can highlight the moment it breaks the sun, in addition to the shutter, aperture adjustment in place, but also the need for the photographer on the composition of the early prediction and precise timing of the capture of the camera. To take such a photographic work, photographers need to be static, moving if the rabbit, most patiently waiting, the most accurate press the shutter, precisely capture the ephemeral moments of photography.
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低分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(low molecular weight glutenin subunit,LMW-GS)是小麦籽粒贮藏蛋白的重要组分,其组成和数量直接影响和决定着小麦的加工品质。分析中国黑小麦中的LMW
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摘要:农村初中学校由于身处特殊的偏远山区、师资力量的薄弱、阅读氛围的不佳、家庭教育的缺失等因素的影响,学生在自主阅读能力方面存在种种障碍。本文旨在探讨提高学生的自主阅读能力策略。  关键词:英语教学;自主阅读;策略  中图分类号:G632.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2017)08-0067  阅读是人们获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的主要途径。苏霍姆林斯基认为,阅读
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γ-氨基丁酸(gamma aminobutyric acid,GABA)是脑内主要的抑制性氨基酸类神经递质,通过与GABA受体结合而发挥其生物学功能。在神经细胞中存在两类GABA的受体,其中代谢型γ-氨
摘要:科学是一门具有创新性、创造性、生活性、实用性的学科,作业也应该具有效性、实践性和趣味性。假期作业如何在趣味性作业的基础上,加强学生基础知识的积累与应用显得尤为重要。本文试图通过科学假期作业的优化,以确立学生的主体地位,提升学生的科学素养。  关键词:假期作业;改革有效;策略;思考  中图分类号:G632.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2017)08-0069  作业是课堂