
来源 :中国保险 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sqlservermaintenance
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从1989年中国人民保险公司接受国家委托办理出口信用保险业务至今已整整5年,在经历了创办、试办阶段后,目前这一业务已进入积极稳步发展时期,业务走势较好地体现了“贯彻党中央国务院出口市场多元化战略,为推动我国出口大发展服务”的经营指导思想.综观1993年出口信用险业务全貌,其主要特点:1、承保金额不断扩大.1993年出口信用保险总承保金额为9.41亿美元,较1992年增长了30%;承保额占国家出口总额的百分比由1992年的0.9%上升到去年的1.03%.2、承保覆盖面进一步拓宽.人保公司开办出口信用保险业务的单位已由主要分布在重点口岸地区分公司向内陆省份公司发展. Since 1989, PICC has been entrusted by the state to handle export credit insurance business for a full five years now. After going through the period of founding and piloting, the current business of the People’s Insurance Company of China has entered a period of positive and steady development. The business trend reflects the “ Implementing the Party Central Committee and State Council Export Market Diversification Strategy, To Promote the Development of China’s Export Development Service. ”Looking at the whole picture of the export credit business in 1993, its main features: 1, the insured amount continues to expand the total export credit insurance in 1993 Amounting to 941 million U.S. dollars, an increase of 30% over 1992. The percentage of underwriting coverage in the country’s total exports rose from 0.9% in 1992 to 1.03% last year.2 The underwriting coverage was further broadened, and PICC started the export credit insurance business Units have been mainly distributed in key ports in the region to the inland provinces branch company development.
任意一个 n 端口网可用一个 n 阶散射矩阵来描述其网络特性,有:b=Sa在第 k 端口上接一负载Γ_k、以消去第 k 端口,使网络变成一个(n-1)端口网络,则 S~(h)_(?)与 S_(?)的关系
一、日本(一)CS 系列1.CS—樱花和 CS 实验CS 是日本第一颗实验通信卫星,于1977年12月15日由德尔它(美)2914型运载火箭,从美国肯尼迪宇宙中心发射。该星是旋转卫星,轨道初始