Synthesis and characterization of YAG:Ce~(3+) fluorescence powders by co-precipitation method

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Cary1986
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YAG:Ce3+(Yttrium aluminum garnet) fluorescence powders were successfully prepared by co-precipitation method using aluminum nitrate,yttrium nitrate,cerous nitrate as the starting materials and ammonium carbonate as precipitant.The products were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction,luminescence spectrometer,transmission electron microscope(TEM).The XRD results showed that the obtained YAG:Ce3+ fluorescence powders had the crystalline structures of YAG at calcinations temperature of 900 oC and the TEM results showed that the grain diameters were about 100 nm.The YAG:Ce3+ fluorescence powders,synthesized by co-precipitation method,had the best luminescence property when the Ce doping amount was x=0.06 in the molecular formula of Y3-xCexAl5O12,the calcinations time was 2 h and the calcinations temperature was 1000 °C. YAG: Ce3 + (Yttrium aluminum garnet) fluorescence powders were successfully prepared by co-precipitation method using aluminum nitrate, yttrium nitrate, cerous nitrate as the starting materials and ammonium carbonate as precipitant.The products were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction, luminescence spectrometer , X-ray transmission electron microscope (TEM) .The XRD results showed that the obtained YAG: Ce3 + fluorescence powders had the crystalline structures of YAG at calcinations temperature of 900 oC and the TEM results showed that the grain diameter were about 100 nm.The YAG: Ce3 + fluorescence powders, synthesized by co-precipitation method, had the best luminescence property when the Ce doping amount was x = 0.06 in the molecular formula of Y3-xCexAl5O12, the calcinations time was 2 h and the calcinations temperature was 1000 ° C.
摘要:2011年1月4日,山东半岛蓝色经济区正式上升为国家战略,标志着我国沿海开发已经实现全覆盖。烟台市作为我国首批沿海开放城市之一,山东半岛城市群的区域中心城市,山东半岛蓝色经济区骨干城市,迎来了历史性的发展机遇。本文着重对如何提升烟台市城市经济竞争力提出了相应的思路与对策。  关键词:城市经济竞争力;烟台市;对策研究    一、烟台市经济竞争力发展现状  烟台市在以建设胶东半岛高端产业聚集区为
以高水平大项目好项目为抓手,滨海新区加快推进结构调整,全面提高三次产业水平,努力构筑高端产业高地。  新区全力抓好大项目好项目建设,加快构筑高层次产业结构,去年工业支撑作用明显,工业增加值增长26.7%,拉动经济增长近15个百分点,航空航天、石油化工、电子信息、汽车及装备制造等八大优势支柱产业占全区工业比重达到86%,中航直升机等75个重大项目建成投产,新一代运载火箭等69个重大项目快速推进,中俄