与材料共舞的人——Alexej Tchernyi

来源 :中国电视(动画) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xxziliao
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动画包罗万象啊,需要强大的视觉,听觉,实践,音乐和组织等综合素质。对于Alexej来说,他前期视觉艺术和舞台设计的经验正好给他提供了充分的准备,并且也潜在地规划了他动画语言的试验性走向。早期,Alexej使用36毫米旧的电影胶片做他的动画试验,把连续的每一帧图像重新处理,或刻或画或烧等等各种伎俩,然后把胶片上每一祯扫描,转换成数码图像,再制作成动画。其特点是有了电影胶片的质感,新的图像下面的旧图像若隐若现,层次丰富,其意图是转换动画的日常视觉经验。其后,Alexei开始使用综合材料做动画,在短片《维克拖利亚的洪水》里,他与Ulu Brown合作,他们使用了泥塑、实物布景、 Animations are all-encompassing and require a combination of strong visual, auditory, practical, musical and organizational qualities. For Alexej, his prior experience in visual arts and stage design provided him with ample preparation and potentially planned the experimental course of his animation language. In the early days, Alexej used his 36 mm old motion picture film for his animation experiment, reprocessed each successive frame of image, or engraved or painted or burnt, and so on, and then scanned and converted each frame on the film into digital Image, and then made into animation. It is characterized by the texture of a motion picture film. The old images below the new image are looming and rich in layers, the intent of which is to transform the daily visual experience of the animation. Alexei later started using composite materials for animations, where he partnered with Ulu Brown in the short film “Floods in Viktoria”, using clay, portraiture,
AIM:To elucidate molecular mechanism of chernopreventiveefficacies of garlic against human gastric cancer(HGC).MEthODS:HGC cell line BGC823 was treated with Al
贝努瓦·卢斯(Benoit Luce)2004年~2007年,法国BUF特效公司动画组长;吕克·贝松导演的动画电影《亚瑟和迷你王国》特效组长;吕克·贝松导演的麦当劳广告灯光特效;吕克·贝松
子曰:“不患人之不知,患不知人也。”[孔子说:“不要担心人家不了解自己,要忧虑自己不理解别人。”] Confucius said: “[Do not know people do not know, people do not