
来源 :现代中西医结合杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangfc
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近50多年来,放射治疗已成为治疗恶性肿瘤的主要手段之一.而对患者进行高质量的放疗有赖于全体放疗工作人员的共同协作配合,当放疗医生和物理人员设计出合理的治疗计划后,通过放疗技术员精心正确的摆位操作,方能最终将射线实施于病人照射区,以使其达到预期的治疗目的。1摆位操作 在恶性肿瘤放疗的全过程中,技术员的工作是最后一步,亦是对放疗质量监督所把的最后一关。而能否将射线正确地实施于患者的照射区,正确的摆位操作占举足轻重的作用,摆位操作工作要求如下。1.1按治疗单所列医嘱查对放疗方法、剂量、摆位要求,注意事项等,考虑实施放疗的合理性及可行性。1.2核对照射体位、角度、滤版、焦皮距(或源皮距)、射线挡块等治疗条件。1.3实施照射:按以上查对内容及要求将病人正确地摆好体位.照射区模拟灯光对位对线误差不大于2mm.角度误差不大于0.5°。 In the past 50 years, radiation therapy has become one of the main means for the treatment of malignant tumors. High-quality radiation therapy for patients depends on the cooperation and cooperation of all radiation staff, and when radiotherapy doctors and physicists design a reasonable treatment plan. The radiotherapy technicians can finally perform the radiation in the patient irradiation area through careful and correct positioning operation so as to achieve the desired therapeutic purpose. 1 Positioning operation In the whole process of malignant tumor radiotherapy, the technician’s work is the last step, and it is also the final stage of the quality supervision of radiotherapy. Whether or not the radiation can be correctly applied to the patient’s irradiation area, the correct setting operation occupies a decisive role, and the operation requirements for the positioning operation are as follows. 1.1 According to the list of doctors listed in the treatment list to check the radiotherapy method, dose, positioning requirements, precautions, etc., consider the rationality and feasibility of the implementation of radiotherapy. 1.2 check the irradiation position, angle, filter plate, focal length (or skin distance), radiation block and other treatment conditions. 1.3 The implementation of irradiation: According to the above check the contents and requirements of the patient will be properly placed position. Irradiation area simulation light alignment error is less than 2mm. Angle error is not greater than 0.5 °.
目的 :在家兔动脉粥样硬化 (AS)模型上观察肝、主动脉组织及血浆金属硫蛋白 (MT)含量变化 ,认识AS时机体氧化防御系统的改变。方法 :家兔高脂饮食 8周 ,复制高脂血症 -动脉粥
夜看电视剧《吕不韦传奇》 ,张铁林扮演的吕不韦说的那句话 ,“要想干成大事 ,先要敢欺天下” ,犹似雷炸电击 ,使我的神经震悚不已。人活一辈子 ,不甘庸碌 ,想干大事 ,当然不
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